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IAM maintenance

Introduction to IAM maintenance

main administrator

It is important to make sure that your IAM installation is clean and working well. This chapter contains guidelines to help you maintain your IAM installation. It is intended for the main administrator (see Administrator roles).

Clean up applications, branches, and models

Schedule the clean-up of applications, branches, and models

When you take an application offline, it is no longer available to users. If necessary, you can bring it back online as long as it has not been deleted as scheduled for the Clean-up date and the Application retention period.

A deleted application cannot be restored. Its model and branch can be synchronized to IAM again, if they still exist in the Software Factory. In that case, you can create a new application. However, application-specific settings, such as authorization and OAuth server settings, will be lost.

Branches and models are automatically removed

If the Application retention period is smaller than Indefinitely, a system flow also removes the models and branches automatically:

  • If all applications of a branch are removed, the branch is also removed.
  • If all branches of a model are removed, the model is also removed.

To schedule the clean-up of applications, branches, and models:

menu Authorization > Applications

  1. Schedule the clean-up to take an application offline. See Take an application offline.
  2. Without a scheduled Clean-up date, the application will be removed following the schedule for the Application retention period (if the period is other than Indefinitely). In the same process, branches and models are also removed if they are no longer in use. See Set the application retention period.

Delete an application

If you have not scheduled the clean-up of applications, you can manually delete applications that are no longer in use.

A deleted application cannot be restored. Its model and branch can be synchronized to IAM again, if they still exist in the Software Factory. In that case, you can create a new application. However, application-specific settings, such as authorization and OAuth server settings, will be lost.

To delete an application:

menu Authorization > Applications

  1. Ensure that all applications are shown in the list, including inactive ones. See View all applications.
  2. Delete any application that is no longer in use. See Delete an application.

Delete a model

If you have not scheduled the clean-up of models, you can manually delete models and branches that are no longer in use. It is not possible to delete branches that have active applications or models with branches that have active applications.

If a model and branch still exist in the Software Factory, they can be synchronized to IAM again.

To delete a model or branch:

menu Optimization > Models

  1. Disable all prefilters to see all models and branches.
  2. Select the model or branch you want to remove.
  3. Select remove bin.

Clean up users and user preferences

menu Authorization > Users

Clean up your Users section by removing unused preferences and by removing users that are no longer present:

  1. Clean up unused preferences.
  2. Remove redundant users.

Clean up user roles

Advanced menu > Administration > Role sets

Clean up the user roles:

  1. Delete all role sets without users.

Check permissions

Advanced menu > Administrators

  1. Check if the permissions are still correct, especially for the main administrators.

Clean up analysis logs

After a while, the Session and Two-factor logs can become quite large. To clean up the Session log and Two-factor log, use the following query on your database:

delete from use_log_usr_action
delete from use_log_session
delete from use_log_usr_login_verification

Clean up scheduled system flows

Make sure that you are not keeping too many scheduled system flows and their log items:

  1. Set up the minimum number of days you want to keep the log items. See Application log retention.
  2. Review inactive system flows to verify if they are rightly inactive. See Check inactive scheduled system flows.

Clean up notifications

Clean up pending notifications and set up how many notifications are retained:

  1. Go to menu Analysis > Notifications.
  2. Turn off the prefilter Pending notifications pending notifications.
  3. Go to menu Settings > Global settings > Form.
  4. Check the number of Notification retention (items) for your application and decrease it if necessary. Only this number of notifications will be retained. If there are more notifications present, the extra notifications will be removed, starting with the oldest.

Check for new version

Make sure that you are on the latest version of the Thinkwise platform.

To check for a new version:

  1. Go to the Thinkwise Community Portal.
  2. Check if you are on the latest version of the Thinkwise platform.
  3. Check if there are hotfixes available in menu Settings > Hotfixes.

Stay informed about new updates on the Thinkwise Community.

Optimize you application

menu Optimization > Optimize indexes

Optimize your application in the following cases:

  • If the performance of your application seems to be deteriorating.
  • When deploying a new application.

Preferably optimize your application when it is not in use, for example, at night.

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