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Optimize indexes

menu Optimization > Optimize indexes

Maintenance task to optimize SQL Server indexes and statistics.

See Optimize indexes in the Maintenance manual.

Clean up unused user preferences

menu Optimization > Clean up unused preferences

Maintenance task to clean up user preferences that are no longer used.

See Clean up unused preferences in the Users manual.

Models in IAM

The screen Models provides an overview of the available models, branches and applications in IAM.

Clean up models and branches

main administrator

Models and branches will be cleaned up automatically if you set an Application retention period. If branches no longer have active applications, they will be removed as scheduled. The same applies to models: if all branches are removed, the model will be removed as well.

For more information, see:

Delete a model

main administrator

If you have not scheduled the clean-up of models, you can manually delete models and branches that are no longer in use. See Delete a model.

Apply roles to the application database

main administrator

See Apply roles to the application database.

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