📄 General
The Indicium application tier is a generic service tier application which uses model interpretation to provide the required logic and functionality.
📄 OData API
The Thinkwise Indicium application tier offers an open API that can be used to perform CRUD-operations and execute
📄 Process flows API
Indicium's process flow API can be used to manually start a process flow, fetch the pending process action when the execution of the process flow has paused, continue the process flow or cancel the further execution of the process flow.
📄 File API
Indicium's file API allows for files to be streamed to the client. This enhances Indicium's filestorage capabilities:
📄 Resource Staging
Resource staging is the mechanism through which Indicium controls the state of a record or a set of parameters while it is being edited by a user.
📄 Import API
Import API
📄 Endpoints
License endpoints
📄 Multi-row task execution
Indicium offers support for executing tasks for multiple rows.
📄 Indicium troubleshooting