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Settings and hotfixes

Metrics for the Thinkwise Platform

main administrator

menu Settings > Global settings > tab Form > group Metrics

Thinkwise collects metrics regarding the usage of the Thinkwise Platform. These metrics are used to better support our customers and partners.

The data consists of an anonymized collection of relevant information related to the use of the Thinkwise Platform. Only metadata is collected, so no personal data, no business logic, and no customer data. The data is collected from models in IAM and the Software Factory.

This feature is optional. You can opt-out by clearing the Send usage metrics checkbox.

Email settings

Email providers

main administrator

You can configure one e-mail provider for sending e-mails from within IAM. This provider is used for:

IAM already contains general email provider information. To change it to the email provider of your choice:

menu Settings > Global settings > tab Email providers

Here, you can:

  • switch Switch email provider type - Select another email provider type and edit its settings.
    3-tier IAM in the Universal GUI Select the checkbox Use encryption to enter key values that must be encrypted. If you clear this checkbox, the unencrypted key value fields will be available again.
  • edit Edit - Edit the settings of the current email provider type.
  • reset - Reset email provider configuration - Reset to the default configured in the Software Factory.

Note that it may be necessary to register the From email address at your email provider to send emails from that address.

An email provider for notification emails

Encryption of email provider key values

3-tier IAM in the Universal GUI main administrator


Encryption is only available in a 3-tier setup, where the Software Factory and IAM are used in the Universal GUI. It is not available for the Software Factory and IAM for the 2-tier Windows or Web GUIs because it requires Indicium support and configuration.

When you are working in a 3-tier environment, we advise you to encrypt the key values of your email providers in the database. The default for your email providers is set in the Software Factory. See Encryption for a branch.

To configure the email provider encryption:

menu Settings > Global settings > tab Email providers

Here you can:

  • set key values Set email provider key values (encrypted) - Set encrypted key values for your email provider.
  • reset key values Reset encrypted key values - Reset the encrypted key values. You may need to add unencrypted key values here afterward to ensure that the email provider keeps working.

System email templates

Indicium main administrator

For each supported application language, templates for Password reset and Two factor token are available.

See Templates for reset password and two-factor authentication.

Notification email templates

Indicium main administrator

To send an email from IAM to users, you need to configure a template.

See Email notifications.

Global translations

main administrator

menu Settings > Global translations

Global translations are used when a user logs into a web application, and the user's identity and application language are not yet known.

See Login language for web applications.


main administrator

menu Settings > Hotfixes

Shows a list with all hotfixes that are available for download for the current IAM version.
Hotfixes that are already installed have the Applied checkbox selected.

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