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Default user groups

Introduction to default user groups

To speed up the rollout of an application instance or an application for a new tenant, default user groups are available in the Software Factory. These are reusable, preconfigured user groups and role assignments.

Add default user groups and role assignments

menu Access Control > Default user groups

  1. Here, you can create the default user groups and grant role assignments. This may vary per branch.

Default user groups Default user groups

Apply default user groups to an application (IAM)

Now, in IAM, apply the default user groups to an application for a provided tenant:

menu Authorization > Applications > tab List

  1. Select an application.
  2. Open tab Authorization.
  3. Select one or more tenants and user groups, and use the Apply default authorization Apply default authorization task to add the default user groups and role assignments to this application.

This is only possible for users with the following roles: root administrator, application administrator, or application owner. Selecting a tenant is only possible for root administrators and application administrators. An application owner may only provide for their own tenant.

Any user group that does not yet exist for the tenant will be created, and new role assignments will be added. Existing role assignments will not be removed. Any role that is not available due to module authorization will not be assigned.

For more information on this subject in IAM, see the Grant a user group access to the application.

Default user groups in IAM Apply default authorization in IAM

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