📄 Business processes
Business processes can be defined in the Software Factory to gain a deeper understanding of the scope and context of the application(s) that will be built. Business processes should contain as little implementation details about the actual solution as possible.
📄 Features
Using a more functional approach instead of a process-oriented approach, the feature tree allows requirements and work to be categorized in a feature tree.
📄 Iterations
Focusing on the implementation process, the iteration tree allows work to be planned. Iterations can be divided into sub-iterations as many times as desired. For instance, the iteration tree could be used to create top-level iterations as phases, sub-level iterations as releases and sub-sub-level iterations as sprints.
📄 Iterations timeline
This screen contains a scheduler to show the (sub)iterations and when they are planned. It is also possible to drag/drop, shorten or extend an iteration. By double clicking an iteration, you can navigate to it in the Iterations screen.
📄 Taskboard
Introduction to taskboards
📄 Baselines & Review
The Software Factory is shipped with a role which allows stakeholders to review the requirements. The role Specification review can be granted to stakeholders in IAM. This role grants access to a review menu which can be accessed via the Windows GUI as well as the Web GUI.
📄 Requirement overview
Introduction to requirement overview
📄 Work overview
Introduction to work overview