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Version: 2024

Model rights

Introduction to Model rights

In the Model rights screen, rights can be assigned to roles from a model's perspective.

Assign roles to objects

menu Access control > Model rights > tab Model

In this tab, you can assign multiple roles to objects.

Model rights

Verify whether a new object has roles assigned

When building a model in the Software Factory, you create new objects (for example, tables, columns, and tasks). The next step should be to assign the correct authorization to those objects. Without it, users cannot see or interact with the newly created object.

To verify whether roles have been assigned to all new objects:

menu Access control > Model rights > tab New objects

  1. Generate the new objects:
    • If you want to first update the source version of the branch and then generate the new objects, execute the Set source for data migration and upgrade set source task. This source version is also used for data mapping.
    • If the source version for the branch is already correct, execute the Generate new objects generate new task to generate only the new objects.
  2. Make sure that the Unverified objects unverified objects prefilter is active, so that you only see the unverified objects.
  3. Execute the Go to object go to object task to jump to the selected object in the Model tab.
  4. Here, check whether roles have been assigned.
    • If not, add them and return to the New objects tab.
    • If so, return to the New objects tab.
  5. Select the object and execute the Mark as verified mark as verified task. Information on whether an object has been verified, by whom, and when is added to the form.

New objects

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