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Focusing on the implementation process, the iteration tree allows work to be planned. Iterations can be divided into sub-iterations as many times as desired. For instance, the iteration tree could be used to create top-level iterations as phases, sub-level iterations as releases and sub-sub-level iterations as sprints.

The work and requirement are shared between the business processes, features and iterations. Requirements can be assigned to iterations to quickly assign all underlying work to this iteration.

The leaf nodes in the iteration tree can be used as taskboards.

Adding nodes

When adding a new node in the tree, the type of node will be determined by the node that was selected.

  • When an iteration node was selected, a new iteration node will be created.
  • When a requirement node was selected, a requirement node will be created.
  • When a work node was selected, a work node will be created.

The new node will be placed next to the previously selected node by default, with the same parent and at the same level.

Alternatively, new child nodes at a certain location can be added via the Sub-iterations, Linked requirements or Linked work tab.

Work state

When work is linked to a requirement, repositioning the requirement will also reposition the work. However, the work can be placed at a different location in the iteration tree while retaining its link with the requirement. The work will receive a different icon and a task will be available to move the work to the same location in the iteration tree as its requirement.

IconWork state
The work is not linked to a requirement, placed freely in the iteration tree
The work is linked to a requirement and is in sync when it comes to positioning in the iteration tree
The work is linked to a requirement but is manually placed elsewhere in the iteration tree


The sum of story points for linked requirements and remaining work for linked work items are shown as Total story points and Total remaining hours.

Fields for iteration estimation


To supplement the description of business iterations, attachments can be added. These attachments will be stored in the database.

Linked requirements and linked work

The Linked requirements and Linked work details show the requirements and the work that is directly linked to the iteration.

Impact analysis

The Impact analysis tab can be used to get an overview of all underlying requirements and all underlying work for a certain iteration. These overviews differ from the Linked requirements and Linked work details as they also include the requirements and work of all sub-iterations.

The arrow () can be used to navigate to the selected requirement or the selected work in the iteration tree.

To find out which business processes and features share the same underlying requirements and/or underlying work, the Related business processes and Related features details can be used in the Impact analysis tab.

The arrow () can be used to navigate to the node in the business process or feature tree, respectively.


To quickly and freely categorize iterations, tags are available.

Unplanned nodes

The Unplanned nodes are used to group requirements and work that have not yet been assigned to an iteration that can function as a taskboard. Ideally, no work is present in an unplanned node.


Drag-drop can be used to reposition nodes. The dragged node will be positioned as a child of the drop target node.


The progress of the iterations is aggregated using the status of the underlying requirements and work.


For more information, see the documentation on requirements and work.

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