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Basics in the Windows and Web user interface


In accordance with our lifecycle policy, the Web GUI is no longer supported. The Thinkwise Platform version 2023.3 is the last version to support the Web GUI. The Universal GUI is the Web GUI's successor. It matches the Web GUI's functionality and more. For more information, see the blog post on the Thinkwise Community.

The goal of this topic is to show you the available features of the Windows and Web interfaces for a software application developed with the Thinkwise Platform.

This topic only deals with the standard Thinkwise capabilities such as the maintenance of data. Specific calculations and controls are beyond the scope of this topic. The screenshots that serve as examples are taken from a standard Thinkwise application. The basic Thinkwise functionality works exactly the same in all applications.

The examples of the screen prints are based on the 'Insights' application that is included as standard with the Thinkwise Platform. Furthermore, the screen prints of the user interface are mostly created using the Windows user interface.

Logging in

After starting the program by double-clicking the application icon, a login popup is shown to login, unless the application administrator setup the application to automatically authenticate users with their Windows credentials.

Password expired

If your password has expired then the following screen appears after logging in.

Change password

If the password is successfully modified then the application starts up.

It can also be chosen to skip this page. The application will then start. The possibility to change the password will appear again the next time the user logs in.

Setting the password prior to logging in

From the Web GUI it is possible to set the password if this has been forgotten or if the password is not yet known.

Set a new password

The following screen appears if the 'Set password' link is clicked on. Enter the user name and the code that is displayed in the picture. If inputting this code is not correct, then please try again. A new code will then be displayed. If the code is not legible then a new code can be requested by selecting the F5 key.

Request password

By clicking on 'Next' the following screen appears. In the meantime an email will be sent to the email address of the user. This contains the 'Validation code' that is requested in the following screen. Additionally the password can be entered here. When typing in the password a 'Strength' is displayed that indicates the strength of the chosen password. A strong password consists of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and is at least 8 characters long.

Password strength

The password can now be set by clicking on OK. The user will receive an acknowledgement of this.

Successful change of password

After this the user is returned to the sign in page to be able to login with the new password.


To support the user even better it is possible to call up a help document. In this document the developer can specify what the various components within the application are used for. The help can be accessed in two ways, via the menu bar under the Help button at the top right of the screen and by selecting the F1 key at an arbitrary place in the application (see shortcuts).

Help via the menu bar

Help via the menu bar opens the Help in the main menu. This is the starting point for the user to search for himself via the content or via the search option. This method is particularly easy when general information about the program is sought.

Using Help

The help page appears when the help is opened.

The help menu

This page is divided into a number of sections. There is a menu available on the left-hand side where the different sections (tables) can be found. When these are expanded the underlying information of the columns is available. The possibility to collapse all the table of contents is available in the toolbar at the top of the help screen.

The arrows can be used to navigate within the table of contents. This makes it possible to navigate forwards and backwards.

To be able to provide the help functionality on paper, it is possible to print it using the print icon in the toolbar.

Only the requested screen is printed, not the entire help document.

The most obvious navigation method is with the help of the mouse cursor to navigate and the keyboard for data entry. It is however also possible to navigate with the keyboard. This is particularly of importance when working with large data volumes.



Some of the shortcuts may be blocked or result in different behavior when using the Web GUI, depending on the browser that is used.

/ Go to next row in grid /
Go to previous row in grid
Go to the next () or previous () row in a grid.
Ctrl + / Ctrl + Go to next row in form /
Go to previous row in form
Go to the next (Ctrl + ) or previous (Ctrl + ) row in a form.
Ctrl + / Ctrl + Include next row in grid /
Include previous row in grid
Include the next (Ctrl + ) or previous (Ctrl + ) row when selecting rows in a grid.
Ctrl + +Add a rowAdd a row to the grid or the input screen. When adding a new row, you can also use it to save the row and directly add a new one.
Ctrl + Alt + +Copy a rowCopy a row. The current row is saved, and a new one directly added
Ctrl + -Delete a rowRemove data from the grid or the input screen.
Ctrl + EEdit a rowEdit data in the input screen.
Ctrl + EnterConfirm a rowSave a newly added row.
EscCancelCancel the processing of data entered in the input fields.
F5Refresh data setRe-load the data set. Both the current table and the referred tables are refreshed. Only the selected row of higher level subjects is updated. The data in all sub-components is also updated.
Ctrl + Alt + EEdit in gridEdit several rows in the grid at the same time.
Ctrl + Shift + +Resize grid columnsGive all columns on the screen the required width to completely display its data.
Ctrl + Shift + SDefault sortRestore the sorting of columns to its original state.
Ctrl + SSortOpens a pop-up in which a user can edit the column sorting sequence..
Ctrl + Shift + IImportImport data into the screen. For more information, see Import.
Ctrl + Shift + UUpdateMass update data in the screen. For more information, see Update.
Ctrl + Shift + EExportExport data from the screen. For more information, see Export.
Ctrl + FFindSearch for specific data in the columns. A screen is opened where a user can enter the data they are searching.
Ctrl + Alt + RQuick filteringFilter the value of the selected cell in the grid. A user can do this multiple times on different columns, further reducing the data set each time. When re-applying the shortcut to a previously filtered column, the filter for that column will be disabled, excluding it from the filtering criteria.
Ctrl + RFilterFilter rows on a specific value or criteria of a column that the data must meet. Create a list of rows for which specific data meets the specified criteria.
Ctrl + Shift + RClear filterClear an active filter on a grid.
Ctrl + GSearchMoves the focus to the Search field, which can be used to quickly search the data set for a combination of columns.
Ctrl + CCopy to clipboardCopy the selected rows from a grid to the clipboard.
Ctrl + LOpen the look up popupWhen the user is editing data in the grid or form, open the look up popup of the active field.
Ctrl + POpen print previewOpen the visible data in a print preview.
Ctrl + SpaceRow and cell selection switchSwitch between selecting the cell or entire row when editing data in a grid. This can be used, for example, as a predecessing step when copying the contents of the cell or entire row.
F1Help (context-sensitive)Go to the help that corresponds with the selected subject. A specific explanation can be found here about the selected field. When a tab instead of a field is selected then the help for the entire table is displayed.
Alt + EnterNew line in a text fieldStart a new line in a text field.
Ctrl + select rowsSelect non-consecutive rowsIf the rows in a grid are not consecutive and it is necessary to select several rows.
Shift + select rowsSelect consecutive rowsIf the rows in a grid are consecutive and it is necessary to select several rows.
Ctrl + select menu itemOpen new documentRe-open an already opened screen.

Switch between tab levelsSwitch between the various levels of tabs. It is also possible to use the arrow keys, as a faster alternative for F6. These keys only work when the title of a tab is selected.
Alt + numberTo form tabGo to the form tab that corresponds with the provided number.
F3 /
Shift + F3
Find next row /
Find previous row
Search for the next (F3) or previous (Shift + F3) row that meets the provided search criteria.
Ctrl + PgDn /
Ctrl + PgUp
Go to next tab /
Go to previous tab
Go to the next (Ctrl + PgDn) or previous (Ctrl + PgUp) tab in a form.
F6 /
Shift + F6
Select next component /
Select previous component
Select the next F6 or previous (Shift + F6) component. This will change the focus, for example, from a tab, to a search bar, to a grid.
Tab /
Shift + Tab
Go to next field in row and form /
Go to previous field in row and form
Go to the next (Tab) or previous (Shift + Tab) input field or control button behind the input field. Using this does not include fields in the next or previous tab.
Ctrl + Home /
Ctrl + End
Go to first row /
Go to last row
Go to the first (Ctrl + Home) or last (Ctrl + End) row in a grid.
Enter /
Shift + Enter
Go to next form field /
Go to previous form field
Go to the next (Enter) or previous (Shift + Enter) field in a form, including fields in the next or previous tab.
Ctrl + Alt + F5Refresh modelReloads the model, so modifications in the end product are immediately visible. This option is only available in the Developer mode.
Alt + F1Path locationShows detailed information on the current screen and the focused component. This option is only available in the Developer mode.

Shortcuts for the grid

The grid shortcuts can be in three different situations:

  • Read only (non-edit mode)
  • Edit (grid edit mode)
  • Edit of a field (cell edit mode)

The following shortcuts can only be used in the grid. The action that is subsequently carried out, is dependent on the situation of the grid.

HomeNon-edit modeFocus on the first field in the current row.
Grid edit modeFocus on the first editable field in the current row.
Cell edit modeFocus on the first character in current cell.
EndNon-edit modeFocus on the last field in the current row.
Grid edit modeFocus on the last editable field in the current row.
Cell edit modeFocus on the last character in current cell.
Ctrl + HomeNon-edit modeFocus on the first field in the first row.
Grid edit modeFocus on first editable field in the first row.
Cell edit modeFocus on the first character in current cell.
Ctrl + EndNon-edit modeFocus on the last field in the last row.
Grid edit modeFocus on the last editable field in the last row.
Cell edit modeFocus on the first character in current cell.
EnterNon-edit modeGo to the next field. At the last field go to the first field on the next row.
Shift + EnterNon-edit modeGo to the previous field. At the first field go to the last field on the previous row.
TabNon-edit modeGo to the next field. At the last field go to the first field on the next row.
Grid edit modeGo to next field in the current row. At the last field go to the first field on the following row.
Cell edit modeGo to the next field. At the last field go to the first field on the next row.
Shift + TabNon-edit modeSee Tab in opposite direction.
Grid edit modeSee Tab in opposite direction.
Cell edit modeSee Tab in opposite direction.

Non-edit modeNavigate through the grid.
Grid edit modeNavigate through the grid.
Cell edit modeNavigate in the cell. In the case of a drop down the next or previous value is selected.
Alt + Non-edit mode-
Grid edit mode-
Cell edit modeOpens the selection grid of the current drop down field.
PgUpNon-edit modePage up, hold same column.
Grid edit modePage up, hold same column.
Cell edit modePage up, hold same column.
PgDnNon-edit modePage down, hold same column.
Grid edit modePage down, hold same column.
Cell edit modePage down, hold same column.
Single clickNon-edit modeSelect cell.
Grid edit modeSelect cell.
Cell edit modeSelect cell.
Double clickNon-edit modeIf the grid is a detail subject, a new screen opens with the current grid as main subject.
Grid edit mode-
Cell edit mode-
EscNon-edit mode-
Grid edit modeIf record is changed, cancel changes otherwise go to grid in non-edit mode.
Cell edit modeCancel changes.
Ctrl + EnterNon-edit mode-
Grid edit modeSave the current row.
Cell edit modeSave the current row.
Ctrl + Alt + ENon-edit modePlace the grid in grid edit mode.
Grid edit modeSave the row. Place the grid in non-edit mode.
Cell edit modeSave the row. Place the grid in non-edit mode.
DelNon-edit mode-
Grid edit modeDelete entire value from the cell.
Cell edit modeDelete selection or character.
BackspaceNon-edit mode-
Grid edit modeDelete entire value from the cell. To cell edit mode.
Cell edit modeDelete character in front of the cursor.


To be able to work well with the program it is important that you recognize a number of definitions by name and understands what they mean.

This chapter contains a short explanation of the most important definitions.

Tree structure menu

The tree structure menu is a menu structure on the side of the screen. This allows the user to navigate to a specific section of the program.

Context menu

The context menu is the menu that appears when the user clicks on the right-hand mouse button in a form, grid, cube or graph. By clicking somewhere in the menu the described action is executed or you can initiate its execution.

Detail tab

The details belonging to a specific record are described on the detail tab.


The data belonging to a specific record is clearly displayed in a form, the user can also edit the data in the form.

Main tab

The main tabs provide the possibility to quickly navigate between various open work screens. The subject of the associated work screen is shown on the main tab.

Button bar

The button bar is positioned at the bottom of a form. Using the button bar and with the help of the mouse cursor the user can navigate, add, edit and delete.


A grid is a summary of several records presented underneath each other.

The menu bar is the bar with buttons at the top the program. Each contains a number of options.

Maintaining data

Maintenance of data is the adding, editing or deleting of records.


A record is a row of data about a certain subject.

Quick launch toolbar

The quick launch toolbar is a menu structure on the side of the screen. This allows the user to navigate to a specific section of the program.

Quick launch toolbar group

A quick launch toolbar group is a collection of subjects in the quick launch toolbar that are associated with each other in a specific way.


A field is a place where information about a specific subject in a record is displayed or can be edited.

Work screen

The work screen is the screen in the application where the user can edit data.

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