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Process flow actions

Introduction to process flow actions

The following paragraphs list the available process actions with their input and output parameters.

  • The input parameters of a process action can be assigned using a constant value or a variable.
  • The value of output parameters can be stored in process flow variables.
  • The string value of any enumerations, that can be used to set the parameter using a string variable, is displayed in code.
  • Variables can have any datatype, as long as the relevant data of the input or output parameter can be converted to the datatype.

In each process action described below, it is indicated whether it is a system flow action and whether it is a valid starting point for a process flow in the Windows GUI/Web GUI. For the Indicium API, every process action can be a starting point. So, each process action can be used as a starting point from a third-party application.

Activate document

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

An open document can be activated with this process action. Since tab_id and tab_variant_id are not sufficient to identify a document, this process action works on the basis of a document ID that is returned by the Open document and Zoom detail process actions.

Input parameters
DocumentThe ID of the document that must be activated. Valid IDs of documents are only returned by the process actions Open document and Zoom detail. It is only possible to activate documents that are open within the same process flow.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (document not found)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

This process action requires no specific rights, because only documents can be activated that are opened by means of Open document or Zoom detail.

Open document

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action returns a unique ID of the opened document as output parameter. This ensures that the new process actions for activating a document and closing a document can be correctly implemented. As soon as several documents of the same subject are open, it must be possible to activate or close a specific open document.

Input parameters
Try use an existing documentNo (default) - The process flow will open a new document.
Yes - The process flow will attempt to use an existing document. Documents in edit mode will not be used.

Universal GUI
Warning: when the open documents are not displayed above the menu (see checkbox Show open documents), they will remain open forever if the system does not close them.
Open as- Document - a docked document
- Floating window - the document opens in a new window ('floating')
- Modal document - interaction with the underlying application is not possible until the user closes the document.

Opening a new document can be used as a trigger for a new process flow. However, activating an existing document via the menu or otherwise will not trigger a new process flow.

Opening a new document can be modified by the process flow to try and use an existing document instead if the process action is configured to do this. Likewise, opening a non-floating document can be modified by the process flow to open as floating instead and vice-versa.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
DocumentThe GUID of the document that is opened or NULL if not successful. Varchar is the only allowed datatype.
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Close document

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

An open document can be closed with this process action. Since tab_id and tab_variant_id are not sufficient to identify a document, this process action works on the basis of a document ID that is returned by the Document open and Zoom detail process actions.

Input parameters
DocumentOptional. The ID of the document that has to be closed. The value of this parameter will be used to determine which document must be closed. Valid IDs of documents are only returned by the process actions Open document and Zoom detail. If empty, the active document will be closed, which is the same as the current behavior of this process action.
This process action can only be used to close the initial document and documents that are opened within the same process flow.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
-0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (document not found)
DocumentThe ID of the document that is active after closing the previous document. Only filled if the active document is opened with the Open document or Zoom detail process actions.

Close all documents

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

All open documents can be closed at once with this process flow.

You can use this action, for example, when switching between different administrations inside your end application. This situation affects all documents, which therefore should be closed.

No input parameters are available.

Output parameters
Status code0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (documents in edit mode)

Download file

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action allows you to make a file available for download to the end-user.

The file can originate, for example, from a database, or from file storage using a Read file connector, or it can be the result of a Generate report connector.

Input parameters
File nameName of the file that has to be downloaded.
File dataBinary string that contains the file data.
Output parameters
Status code0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (no path specified)
-3 - Unsuccessful (the specified path is too long)
-4 - Unsuccessful (the specified path is invalid)
-5 - Unsuccessful (the specified disk could not be found)
-6 - Unsuccessful (one or more sub-folders could not be found)
-7 - Unsuccessful (access refused)
-8 - Unsuccessful (the file is in use)
-9 - Unsuccessful (target disk not found)
-10 - Unsuccessful (target file already exists)
-11 - Unsuccessful (no file storage provider specified)

Merge PDF

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

With this process action you can merge different PDF files into one. The files are merged in alphabetical order, as found in the source folder.

Input parameters
Source folderAn absolute path to a folder containing the PDF files that need to be merged.
Output parameters
File dataThe merged PDF file.
Merged files (JSON)A JSON array with the absolute path of all the merged files.
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
-0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (no path specified)
-3 - Unsuccessful (malformed path)
-4 - Unsuccessful (unable to read file)
-5 - Unsuccessful (directory not found or access denied)
-6 - Unsuccessful (file not found or access denied)
-7 - Unsuccessful (no file storage provider present)

Change prefilters

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

With this process action, the prefilters on a specific subject can be enabled and disabled. This process action will replace the status of all prefilters on the subjects by the statuses that are indicated by the input parameters of the process action.

Input parameters
[PREFILTER]Optional. The status of a prefilter of the subject in question. This parameter is present for all prefilters of the subject.
0 - Off
1 - On
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (one or more prefilters is locked or is hidden)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

This process action requires read rights on the subject and at least one prefilter that is not locked.

Change filters

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

The process flow action Change filter sets filter values on columns of a specific subject. The filter condition and filter value can be specified for each column.

Universal GUI Filters applied through this process flow action filter by key instead of by their filter value. Users can add more filters to the column to refine their filtering. See Filter (popup) and Filter form.

Input parameters
[COL]Optional. The filter value that must be set on the column in question as an equal to filter condition. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.
Disable prefiltersOptional. Indicates whether the prefilters must be disabled for this filter action.
No (default) filter_disable_prfltr_off
Yes filter_disable_prfltr_on
Case sensitiveOptional. Indicates whether the filter conditions are case sensitive.
No filter_case_sens_off
Yes filter_case_sens_on
The default depends on the RDBMS used.
Ignore diacriticsOptional. Indicates whether letters with diacritics must be treated as normal letters.
No filter_ignore_diacrts_off
Yes filter_ignore_diacrts_on
The default depends on the application settings.
Allow wildcardsOptional. Indicates whether it is permitted to use wild cards in filter conditions.
No filter_allow_wildcard_off
Yes filter_allow_wildcard_on
The default depends on the application settings.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

This process action requires read and filter rights on the subject and filter rights on at least one of the columns of the subject.

Clear filters/restore filters/default prefilters

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive an output parameter with a status code and output parameters that contain the values of the active row.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Change sort order

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

The sorting of a specific subject can be modified with this process action. It can be indicated for each column which sorting is applied.

Input parameters
[COL] (sort direction)The sort direction that will be applied to the column. This parameter is present for every column of the subject. For every column for which this parameter is specified, the sequence number must also be specified.
0 - Ascending
1 - Descending
[COL] (sequence number)Gives the sequence number of this column in the sort.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

This process action requires read and sorting rights on the subject and sorting rights on at least one of the columns.


Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action is only mentioned here to be comprehensive but will remain unchanged. This process action will not have any input parameters and always returns status code 0 as output because the process action cannot fail.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful

Activate detail

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

The Activate detail process action is used to open a detail tab. It requires you to select a table and a reference. The table is a detail table of another table. The reference indicates which reference is followed to open the detail table.

For example:

  • Table: sales_order_line
  • Reference: ref_sales_order_sales_order_line

Explanation: Open detail table sales_order_line via the reference ref_sales_order_sales_order_line

This process action has no input parameters and returns the following output parameters:

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (detail not found)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Zoom detail

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action has no input parameters and returns the following output parameters:

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (detail not found)
DocumentThe ID of the document that is opened or NULL if not successful.
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Go to row

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

With this process action, the GUI can be controlled to select a specific row of a specific subject on the basis of parameters that correspond with the columns of the subject in question. It is not necessary to link variables to all PK columns of the subject. If several rows correspond with the specified column value, then the first found row will be selected. However, if no variables are linked to all PK columns of the subject, then a warning will be given when validating.

In addition, it is possible to control the way in which the row has to be searched for. In general, this will make no sense, but if it is known where the row is located, then this can make a difference in performance for large data sets. This process action will return the value of the active row as an output parameter.

Input parameters
[COL]The value of a column of the subject in question. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.
Filter record when not foundOptional. Indicates whether an attempt must be made to filter on the row if the row cannot be found.
No (default) row_try_filter_row_off
Yes row_try_filter_row_on
Search modeOptional. The manner in which the row will be searched for.
From top to bottom (default) go_to_row_search_top_down - From top to bottom
From bottom to top go_to_row_search_bot_up - From bottom to top
Down from current record go_to_row_search_cur_down - From the current row downwards
Up from current record go_to_row_search_cur_up - From the current row upwards
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (row not found)
-3 - Unsuccessful (navigation not permitted)
[COL]The value of a column of the found row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

This process action requires read and navigation rights on the subject.

Go to first/previous/next/last row

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive an output parameter with a status code and output parameters that contain the values of the active row.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (navigation not permitted)
-3 - Unsuccessful (the [first/last] row is already active)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Add row

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action
+ (after Save/Cancel)++-

The Add row process action will only trigger a process flow when adding or modifying records in a Form component with 'auto-save' disabled. Components that automatically save changes on navigation or other user actions, such as the Grid, do not support this process action trigger, because the user action will often conflict with subsequent steps of the process flow.

This process action receives input parameters to assign values to the columns of the subject (comparable with a default procedure). These input values have no effect if this process action is used as a start action. Since the value of a column can be set in different ways, it is important to apply clear priorities. The value needs to be applied in the following sequence:

  1. Default value Link with context Input parameters of the process action Default procedure.

  2. Finally, this process action receives an output parameter with a status code.

Input parameters
[COL]Optional. The value of a column of the subject in question. If this process action is not a start action, then this value will be entered in the column in question. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (adding not permitted)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
[COL]The value of a column of the added row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Edit row

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action
+ (after Save/Cancel)++-

The Edit row process action will only trigger a process flow when adding or modifying records in a Form component with 'auto-save' disabled. Components that automatically save changes on navigation or other user actions, such as the Grid, do not support this process action trigger, because the user action will often conflict with subsequent steps of the process flow.

This process action will also work in combination with modifications in the list. If this process action is not a start action, then the GUI will give preference to a form to deal with the action. If there is no form present, then the GUI will try to find a grid. If a record in the grid is modified, is successfully stored and there is a follow-up action that can be called, then a possible row switch action that handles the save of the data will be prevented.

This process action receives input parameters to assign values to the columns of the subject (comparable with a default procedure). These input values have no effect if this process action is used as a start action. Since the value of a column can be set in different ways, it is important to apply clear priorities. The value needs to be applied in the following sequence:

Default value Link with context Input parameters of the process action Default procedure.

Finally, this process action receives an output parameter with a status code.

Input parameters
[COL]Optional. The value of a column of the subject in question. If this process action is not a start action, then this value will be entered in the column in question. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (modifying not permitted)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
-4 - Unsuccessful (original row no longer exists)
[COL] (old row)The value of a column of the old row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.
[COL] (new row)The value of a column of the new row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Delete row

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action remains unchanged but receives an output parameter including a status code.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (deleting not permitted)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
-4 - Unsuccessful (row did not exist)
-5 - Unsuccessful (current row is in edit mode and could not be stored)
[COL]The value of a column of the deleted row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Copy to clipboard

Universal GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action takes the content of the input parameter and copies it to the user's clipboard.

Input parameters
Copy data to clipboardA variable or a constant value. This can be a single column value, a combination of values in multiple columns, or something else.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown error)
-2 - Unsuccessful (no data, the input parameter was empty)


Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action is a combination of Refresh and Refresh all, because these process actions do the exact same thing. This process action remains unchanged but receives an output parameter with a status code and output parameters that contain the values of the active row after refreshing.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Start table task/start task

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive input parameters to be able to control the input parameters of the task (comparable with a default procedure). These input values have no effect if this process action is used as a start action. Since the value of a task parameter can be set in different ways, it is important to apply clear priorities. The value needs to be applied in the following sequence:

Default value Link with column Link with process flow Variable Default procedure.

Finally, these process actions receive an output parameter with a status code.

Input parameters
[PARAM]Optional. The value of a parameter of the task. If this process action is not a start action, then the value of this parameter will be filled with the associated task parameter. This parameter is present for each input parameter of the task.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (task not found)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
[PARAM]The value of a parameter of the task. This parameter is present for each parameter of the task, input and output.

See also Define a process step outside the context of a document.

Execute system task

Universal GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

With this process action you can use a task inside a system flow. Note that the default procedure will be not be executed when using it. Any task parameters that are not set as input and output parameters will not be used by Indicium to run the task.

Input parameters
[PARAM]Optional. The value of a task parameter. If this process action is not a start action, then the value of this parameter will be filled with the associated task parameter. This parameter is available for each input parameter of the task.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (task not found)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
[PARAM]The value of a task parameter. This parameter is available for each task parameter, input and output.

Execute subflow

Universal GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

Subflows are system flows that can be executed within another process flow. Subflows are reusable and easier to manage than adding the same part manually to multiple other process flows.

This process action contains all the subflows public input and output parameters and can return a status code.

For more information see Subflows in a process flow.

Start report/start table report

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive input parameters to be able to control the parameters of the report (comparable with a default procedure). These input values have no effect if this process action is used as a start action. Since the value of a report parameter can be set in different ways, it is important to apply clear priorities. The value needs to be applied in the following sequence:

Default value Link with column Link with process flow Variable Default procedure.

Finally, these process actions receive an output parameter with a status code.

Input parameters
[PARAM]Optional. The value of a parameter of the report. If this process action is not a start action, then the value of this parameter will be filled with the associated report parameter. This parameter is present for every parameter of the report.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (report not found)
-3 - Unsuccessful (cancelled by user)
[PARAM]The value of a parameter of the report. This parameter is present for every parameter of the report.

See also Define a process step outside the context of a document.

Zip file

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

The Zip file process action takes a pointer to either a file or folder within the selected file storage location. Indicium will zip the file or folder and return the file data as output, plus a JSON-formatted string with the contents of the zipped file or folder.

Input parameters
Source file or folder (pointer)The absolute path to the file or folder, for example, ""
Output parameters
Zip file content (JSON)A JSON-formatted string with the contents of the zipped file or folder.
File dataThe zipped file data.
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful
-2 - The input parameter 'Source file or folder (pointer)' was empty.
-3 - The corresponding file storage configuration was not found.
-4 - The pointer to the source file or folder was invalid, it must be a valid, absolute path.
-5 - The source file or folder does not exist or is an empty folder.

Unzip file

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

The Unzip file process action unzips the file and folder data and places the content in the given folder. The output will return the unzipped file paths in JSON format.

Input parameters
File nameThe zipped file's name.
File dataThe zipped file data.
Target folder nameThe relative path to the file or folder where the unzipped content should be placed.
Output parameters
Unzipped file paths (JSON)The paths to the unzipped files in JSON format.
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful
-2 - The 'File name' input parameter was empty.
-3 - The corresponding file storage configuration was not found.
-4 - The 'File data' input parameter was empty.
-5 - The 'Target folder name' input parameter was empty.
-6 - The 'Target folder name' input parameter was given an invalid value, it should be a valid folder name.
-7 - The 'File data' input parameter did not represent a valid .zip file.
-8 - The 'File name' input parameters refers to a file with an unsupported file format. Only .zip files can be unzipped.
-9 - The folder specified by the 'Target folder name' input parameter was not empty.
Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action will open a given URL.

Input parameters
Link (URL)The URL that needs to be opened.
Open in new tab (Yes/No)Select whether the link should open in a new tab in the browser.
Default: 'Yes'.
Process flow continue optionSelect whether the process action should wait for the user to complete an action inside the opened link or continue the process flow right after opening the link.
You can use this, for example, to direct users to an external payment environment in a new tab. After a successful payment, the process flow will continue inside your application.
Default: 'No'.

Universal GUI The parameters Open in new tab and Process flow continue option are not yet supported. The link always opens in a new tab.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Universal GUI Unsuccessful (no link)
-3 - Universal GUI Unsuccessful (invalid link)

Activate grid/activate form

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive an output parameter with a status code and output parameters that contain the values of the active row.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Activate maps

Windows GUI Web GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action allows users to open the Maps component and zoom in on a specific coordinate.

Input parameters
Set zoom levelOptional. The zoom level (number, check with your provider about the scale used).
Set latitude/longitudeThe initial latitude and longitude, for example, 52.00/6.00.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)

Activate scheduler

Windows GUI Web GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action allows users to navigate to a specific date and time inside the Resource scheduler.

Input parameters
Scroll to datetimeThe date and time to be navigated to.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)

Grid edit/grid edit off

Windows GUI Web GUI

Grid edit:

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

Grid edit off:

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

These process actions receive an output parameter with a status code and output parameters that contain the values of the active row.

Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (unknown)
-2 - Unsuccessful (not permitted to enable edit mode or not possible to disable edit mode because the row cannot be stored)
[COL]The value of a column of the active row. This parameter is present for every column of the subject.

Send user notification

Universal GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

With the process action Send user notification, you can use a system flow to push notifications to users. Use this, for example, to let a user know that a file has been downloaded.

Indicium uses the input parameters to send the notification to the specified user as soon as they are logged in.

Active notifications are visible in IAM, in menu Analysis > Notifications. In IAM, you can also send notifications without a system flow. See Notifications.

Input parameters
User IDThe user to whom the notification should be sent.
Notification textThe text you want to send.
Expiry date-time (UTC)The date and time when the notification should stop popping up.
Output parameters
Status codeThe status code of the executed action.
0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful

Show message

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action shows a predefined message to the user. Messages used in process flows can contain parameters in their translation which correspond to the IDs of the variables in the process flow. The user interface will replace these parameters with the current value of the corresponding Variable. For example: The value of variable_1 is: {variable_1}.

The value of the selected Message option is return as the status code of the process action.


Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

A Decision is not a regular process action. Its purpose is to guide a process flow. Every process action can change process variables or the direction of a process flow by using process logic. With a decision node, you create a clearly identifiable and reusable node in the process where the decision logic resides.

A decision node does not perform an actual action. Because of this, the tabs Input and Output are not available. However, all process variables are available as parameters. You can use them to influence the behavior of the follow-up process actions.

  • A decision node can be used as the first action in a scheduled process flow to load the initial values required for autonomous execution.
  • Decision nodes always have a process procedure and can only have Always-typed follow-up steps.


Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action encrypts sensitive data. This enables you to store data encrypted in the database.

The Thinkwise platform has several options to setup the storage of the encryption keys.

Input parameters
Data to encryptThis is a variable or constant value (string or binary).
Output parameters
Status code0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (Unknown)
-2 - Data protection was not configured. See: Encryption in Indicium.
-3 - The input parameter 'Data to encrypt' was not provided with a value.
Encrypted dataThe encrypted data (binary). This must be stored in a varbinary field.


Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action decrypts the previously encrypted data.

Input parameters
Data to decryptThis is a variable or constant value (string or binary).
Output parameters
Status code0 - Successful
-1 - Unsuccessful (Unknown)
-2 - Data protection was not configured. See: Encryption in Indicium.
-3 - The input parameter 'Data to encrypt' was not provided with a value.
-4 - The encryption key could not be found in the key store.
Decrypted dataThe decrypted data (string or binary).

Hash and Check password

Starting point Win/Web GUIStarting point IndiciumSystem flow action

Hash and Check password are two process actions that can be used to safely store a password for the sole purpose of password verification.

hash_check_password Process Actions Hash and Check password

Hash password takes a plain-text password as input and returns a salt, hash, and the used algorithm. The used algorithm is always the latest supported algorithm by the runtime components, to ensure it is up-to-date with cryptographic standards for safe password storage. Hashed passwords can only be used for password verification via the Check password process action and cannot be restored to their original plain-text form. For instance, a hashed password cannot be used as a credential for an external service.


Be very cautious when dealing with passwords. There are barely any scenarios where these process actions are actually required when developing an enterprise application.

Input parameters
Output parameters
Password hashThis is a binary value e.g. 0xADB4C4927096C4861FCA7327C96111162F5F99CB0ADD5067
Password saltThis is base64, textual value. A different salt is created every time this process action is used e.g. AMROyZvqJPRxKj7VycDh9V4Bd/ie/iBX
AlgorithmThis is a textual value, recognizable by the runtime component e.g. PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1:10000
Status code- 0 when successful
- 1 when no password was provided

Check password takes a plain-text password as input and a hash, salt, and algorithm used to check this password against. The latter 3 will practically always be the result of a hash-password process action at a different point in time, loaded from storage. When provided password matches, the process action will be successful.

Input parameters
Password hashThis is a binary value e.g. 0xADB4C4927096C4861FCA7327C96111162F5F99CB0ADD5067
Password saltThis is base64, textual value. A different salt is created every time this process action is used e.g. AMROyZvqJPRxKj7VycDh9V4Bd/ie/iBX
AlgorithmThis is a textual value, recognizable by the runtime component e.g. PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1:10000
Output parameters
Status code-0 when successful
-1 when an unknown error occurred
-2 when the password didn't match
-3 when no password was provided
-4 when no hash was provided
-5 when no salt was provided
-6 when no algorithm was provided
-7 when the algorithm was not recognized

Provision database

Universal GUI

Starting point Universal GUIStarting point Win/Web GUIStarting point system flow (Indicium)System flow action

This process action provides a platform-independent method to connect to an RDBMS and run create database scripts in order to provision a database.

Input parameters
Application id/aliasNumber or alias.
Output parameters
Status code-0 Successful
-1 Failed (unknown)
-2 Failed (database already exists)

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