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SQL formatting guidelines


Readable code helps you and your colleagues. It makes it easier to understand, transfer, and share your work.

You can deliver readable code by sharing formatting guidelines as a team. Adhere to your shared formatting guidelines to make your team's code more consistent.

On this page, you can find a basic set of SQL formatting guidelines that can serve as a starting point for your team. These guidelines also provide examples of what your properly formatted code might look like.


Your code should be readable and easy to understand. Other people should be able to grasp what your code is doing by reading your comments. The structure of your code should be easy to follow.

Thinkwise advises to use the Redgate SQL Prompt tool to help you format your SQL code for Thinkwise projects.

How to install Redgate SQL Prompt in Azure SQL Data Studio​

  1. Search for Redgate SQL prompt in the extensions of Azure SQL Data studio.
  2. Download the Redgate SQL prompt VSIX file from the extension page.
  3. Go to File > Install Extension from VSIX Package and install the package.

How add the Thinkwise style to Redgate SQL Prompt​

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P.
  2. Search for SQL Prompt: Create Formatting Style and open it.
  3. Select one of the default styles to copy.
  4. Name your style (for example, Thinkwise).
  5. Paste the code of this repository's thinkwise.formattingstyle file into your created file.
  6. Save the file.

How to choose your active formatting style​

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P.
  2. Search for SQL Prompt: Change Active Formatting Style.
  3. Choose your desired formatting style.

How to use Redgate SQL Prompt as the default formatter​


If this is your first formatter, this step is probably not necessary.

To use Redgate SQL Prompt as the default formatter (using Shift + Alt + F), follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on a document.
  2. Select Format Document With.
  3. Choose Redgate SQL Prompt.

Guidelines in JSON format​

"metadata": {
"id": "97cd959c-08c1-4510-9a39-99bf6b606fac",
"name": "Thinkwise Software"
"whitespace": {
"newLines": {
"preserveExistingEmptyLinesAfterBatchSeparator": false
"lists": {
"alignItemsAcrossClauses": false,
"alignAliases": true,
"placeCommasBeforeItems": true,
"addSpaceAfterComma": false
"parentheses": {
"collapseShortParenthesisContents": true,
"collapseParenthesesShorterThan": 35
"casing": {
"reservedKeywords": "lowercase",
"builtInFunctions": "lowercase",
"builtInDataTypes": "lowercase",
"globalVariables": "lowercase",
"useObjectDefinitionCase": true
"dml": {
"collapseShortStatements": true,
"collapseStatementsShorterThan": 35,
"collapseShortSubqueries": true,
"collapseSubqueriesShorterThan": 78
"ddl": {
"alignDataTypesAndConstraints": true,
"placeFirstProcedureParameterOnNewLine": "never",
"collapseShortStatements": true,
"collapseStatementsShorterThan": 55
"controlFlow": {
"collapseStatementsShorterThan": 78
"cte": {
"placeColumnsOnNewLine": true,
"columnAlignment": "indented"
"variables": {
"placeAssignedValueOnNewLineIfLongerThanMaxLineLength": false
"joinStatements": {
"join": {
"keywordAlignment": "toTable",
"indentJoinTable": false
"on": {
"keywordAlignment": "rightAlignedToInner"
"insertStatements": {
"columns": {
"parenthesisStyle": "compactSimple",
"indentContents": false
"values": {
"parenthesisStyle": "expandedSimple",
"placeSubsequentValuesOnNewLines": "always"
"caseExpressions": {
"placeExpressionOnNewLine": false,
"whenAlignment": "toFirstItem",
"collapseCaseExpressionsShorterThan": 55
"operators": {
"comparison": {
"align": true
"andOr": {
"alignment": "rightAligned"
"between": {
"placeOnNewLine": false
"in": {
"placeFirstValueOnNewLine": "never"


  • Explain each block of code using comments.
  • Put a comment after each domain or literal that you use.
  • Indent code blocks.
  • Use spaces, not tabs, for indentation.
  • Use commas in front of column names.
  • Use begin/end after stating a condition.
  • Use column lists for inserts.
  • Align opening and closing brackets on the same column.
  • Include aliases for calculated values or literals.
  • Use lower case only.


  • Use reserved keywords.
  • Leave commented development items in your code, like variable assignments or helper queries.


Basic alignment​

select si.sales_invoice_id
from sales_invoice si
where sales_invoice_status = 'o' --open

Alias alignment and use of functions​

select si.sales_invoice_id
,getdate() as today
) as number_of_days
from sales_invoice si

Join alignment​

select si.sales_invoice_id
from sales_invoice si
join sales_invoice_line sil
on sil.invoice_id = si.invoice_id
left join sales_order so
on so.sales_order_id = sil.sales_order_id

If statement​

--Notify the user when the amount open on the invoice is greater than 0 and the due date lies in the past. 
if exists (select *
from invoice i
where i.invoice_id = @invoice_id
and i.amount_open > 0
and i.due_date >= getutcdate()
exec tsf_send_message amount_open_greater_than_zero, null, 0

Case statement: simple case​

select case si.sales_type
when 1 then 1 --1 = internal, 1 = partner
when 2 then 3 --2 = external, 3 = customer
else 0 --0 = other
end as sales_category
from sales_invoice si

Case statement: search case​

select case when sol.sales_price > sol.max_price --when sales price is greater than the max price. 
then 1
else 0
end as exceeds_max_price
from sales_order_line sol

More complex select query​

with wolz (work_order_line_id
as (select wol.work_order_line_id as work_order_line_id
,wol.amount_of_items * processing_time as time_required
from work_order_line wol
select wol.call_description as call_description
from work_order_line wol
join wolz w
on w.work_order_line_id = wol.work_order_line_id
where wol.work_order_category_id = @work_order_category_id
and (select sum(h.number_of_hours) as number_of_hours
from hour h
where h.project_id = p.project_id
) <= 100
group by wol.subsidiary_id
having sum(wol.work_order_id) = 1
and count(*) = 3
order by wol.branch_id

Comparison alignment​

select wo.subsidiary_id as subsidiary_id
,wo.branch_id as branch_id
,wo.work_order_id as work_order_id
from work_order wo
join work_order_line wol
on wol.work_order_id = wo.work_order_id
and wol.subsidiary_id = wo.subsidiary_id
and wol.branch_id = wo.branch_id
join work_order_line_part wolp
on wolp.subsidiary_id = wol.subsidiary_id
and wolp.branch_id = wol.branch_id
and wolp.work_order_id = wol.work_order_id
and wolp.work_order_line_id = wol.work_order_line_id
where wo.work_order_category_id = @work_order_category_id
and wol.amount >= 40
and ( wol.clearance = 1 --true
or wo.customer_reference = 4 --ref_x


declare @contact_person_id               person_id
,@contact_organisation_id organisation_id
,@is_default_contact_person bit = 0 --default false
,@is_default_contact_organisation bit = 0 --default false

select @contact_person_id = o.person_id
,@contact_organisation_id = o.organisation_id
from organisation o

if @contact_person_id is not null
set @is_default_contact_person_id = 1
set @is_default_contact_organisation_id = 1

Insert based on variables​

insert into task(person_id
values (@person_id

Insert based on select statement​

insert into task(person_id
select p.person_id
from person p
join person_default_task pdt
on pdt.person_id = p.person_id
join default_task dt
on dt.default_task_id = pdt.default_task_id
where p.person_id = @person_id
and = 1 --only active default tasks.

Merge statement​

merge into task trgt
using (select p.person_id
,dbo.tsf_user() as added_modified_by
,getutcdate() as added_modified_on
from person p
join person_default_task pdt
on pdt.person_id = p.person_id
join default_task dt
on dt.default_task_id = pdt.default_task_id
where p.person_id = @person_id
and = 1 --only active default tasks.
on ( src.person_id = trgt.person_id
and src.default_task_id = trgt.default_task_id
when matched
then update
set task_name = src.task_name
,task_desciption = src.task_description
,modified_by = added_modified_by
,modified_on = added_modified_on
when not matched
then insert (person_id

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