Extended properties
Introduction to extended properties
Extended properties are settings for features in the Thinkwise Platform that have not yet been formalized in the Software Factory model. You can use the parameters below as extended properties in the Software Factory and Intelligent Application Manager.
Extended properties in the Software Factory
In the Software Factory, you can use extended properties in a runtime configuration. This way, you can configure multiple environments for an application. For more information about runtime configurations, see Runtime configurations.
To add an extended property to a runtime configuration:
menu Maintenance > Runtime configurations > tab Extended properties
- Add the extended property.
- Enter a value.
- Universal GUI If necessary, clear the checkbox Expose to front-end. Disabling this setting will exclude the extended property from the user interface. APIs, for example, do not need GUI information.
Extended properties in IAM
A few properties only work when set in IAM since they need to be loaded before the GUI is shown. In the list of available extended properties, these are marked as global.
To add an extended property to a global configuration in IAM:
menu Settings > Global configurations > tab Extended properties
- Add the extended property.
- Enter a value.
If you specify application-specific parameters in the Global configurations, they will be used by all applications.
Available extended properties
In the table below, the options Yes and No have the following alternatives:
- Yes
- true
- 1
- No
- false
- 0
The options highlighted in bold represent the default settings.
Parameter | Description | Options | Scope |
AllowChangePassword | Determines if users with RDBMS login are allowed to change their password Note: only available for SQL Server now. | Yes No | |
AllowNullMandCheckbox | Mandatory fields without a default value will be represented as null in the Grid and Form while adding a new row. | Yes No | Application |
AllowProcessFlowsInLookupDialogs | By default, process flows cannot be executed in a lookup. With this property, a process flow is allowed access to a lookup, provided all process actions are allowed in a lookup. Forbidden process actions are: Manual, Close document, Open document, Activate document, and Zoom in on detail. | Yes No | |
AllowWildcards | Allows the use of wildcards * and ? in find, search and filter fields. | Yes No | Application |
AnalyticsEnabled | Enable or disable Matamo analytics JavaScript. | Yes No | |
AnalyticsWebsiteID | Matamo Website ID. | 2 | |
Animations | Animation Quick Bar when expanding groups. | Yes No | |
ApplyConditionalLayout | Available as a Conditional layout | - | - |
Authentication | The authentication type to use when connecting to the application database. | MSWindows - Integrated security for SQL Server RDBMS - Database username and password Kerberos - Integrated security for IBM i and SQL Server | Application |
AutoExpandGroups | Controls whether or not pivot grids will attempt to maintain the expanded state of groups when dimensions are changed. This feature does not work as intended, and therefore, it is an opt-in. | Yes No | Application |
AutoLimitColumnSelection | Activates still experimental feature to limit the select clause in SQL queries to those columns used by visible components on the screen. Version 2018.1 and higher. | Yes No | Application |
BreadcrumbInPrintPreview | When enabled and a breadcrumb navigation path is available, it will be included in the print preview and printout of charts and cubes (pivot tables). | Yes No | Application |
BringGUIToFront | Whether the GUI should claim focus on startup or stay in background. | Yes No | Global exclusive |
CachePath | A custom path where the GUI stores a cache of the application definition to increase the startup time. This also applies to images (only in the Web GUI) and reports (Windows and Web GUI) stored in the database for 2020.2 and up. The default location is the Cache folder with the GUI directory. The specified directory requires rights to write files. This property also affects the previewer's cache folder. | Directory location, like: C:/Cache/Project/ | Global |
CCSID | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic Sets the CCSID (Code Page) of IBM i DB2 Jobs. When not filled or 0, the default server code page is used. | 37 - legacy default 1140 - 37 + euro sign ‚¬ | |
ClearReportDataSource | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic The name of the default data source to be used on the server where Clear Reports is installed. The data source needs to be added on the server and can be used if credentials cannot be parsed, for instance when Kerberos is used. | ||
ClearReportPort | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic The port of the server where Clear Reports is installed. | Application | |
ClearReportServer | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic The server where Clear Reports is installed. | Application | |
ClearReportUri | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic The path to the server where Clear Reports is installed. | Application | |
CombinedFilterDelay | Delays in milliseconds after typing in the Search field before the grid starts the search. | 250 (minimum) | Application |
CombinedFilterEqualTo | Uses an Equal to condition in the Search field instead of Contains. | Yes No | Application |
ConditionalLayout- LookupBehaviour | Uses data or translated value for conditional layout conditions. | transl data | Application |
CountNullValues | Counts null values in grid summaries. | Application | |
CRReportZoom | Changes the default zoom level crystal reports are opened with. | 1 for 100% 2 for 200% etc. | Application |
CustomDateMask | Specifies a custom date mask the GUI uses to show date values. If no CustomDateTimeMask is specified, this mask is also used for the date part of datetime values. | See: standard, custom, e.g.: dd-MM-yy | Application |
CustomDateTimeMask | Specifies a custom datetime mask the GUI uses to show datetime values. Separate the date and the time part of the mask using the '|' character. | See: standard, custom, e.g.: dd-MM-yy|H:mm:ss | Application |
CustomTimeMask | Specifies a custom time mask the GUI uses to show time values. If no CustomDateTimeMask is specified, this mask is also used for the time part of datetime values. | See: standard, custom, e.g.: H:mm:ss | Application |
DefaultDir | The location used by the file chooser when a file has to be selected for the first time. | Path to location | Application |
DeleteAppointmentTaskScheduler | In the Resource Scheduler, this extended property links a task that has to be executed when an appointment is deleted using the Delete key. | The name of the task that has to be executed. | Global |
DevReportZoom | Changes the default zoom level devexpressreports are opened with. | 1 for 100% 2 for 200% etc. | Application |
DisableKeyboardForAutoCompleteCombo | Universal GUI When 'False', a keyboard will appear when opening a lookup with a Combo control on a mobile device. | True False | Application |
DisableFilterOnDetails | Disables the option to filter on details with the Search field. | Yes No | Application |
DisableGridRowHeightSafeguards | Universal GUI Overrides the default row height safeguards for usability and layout in the grid. Note: When you disable these safeguards, it becomes your responsibility to ensure that all the content in the grid fits well and looks nice. The setting also affects the values at the bottom of the grid. You might need to adjust the height to make sure you can clearly see these values. Check this carefully when testing this setting. | Yes No | Application |
DisableZoomIn | When 'Yes', disables zooming in by double clicking on a tab header or grid row. | Yes No | Application |
EmbedImagesInHtml | Embeds images in the HTML control using Base64 encoding. | Yes No | Application |
EnableDetailStartEmptyWithFilter | Opens the detail without retrieving data and sets the focus on the filter pop-up. | Yes No | Application |
EnablePaging | Reads out data from the database in pages. | Yes No | Application |
EnterEditorBehavior | Defines the cursor/selection behavior of a cell in the grid when it receives the keyboard focus in edit mode. | SelectAll CursorOnEnd | Application |
ExecutionMode | - Developer: This mode provides extra options that are accessible in the Developer tab of the ribbon. - EndUser: This mode hides developer-specific functionality. | Developer EndUser | Global |
ExportConditional- Formatting | Export conditional layout when the file format supports this, for instance, Excel. | Yes No | Application |
ExportCopyTo- ClipboardOnly | Only export columns with CopyToClipboard = true by default. The user can select additional fields using the advanced export. | Yes No | Application |
ExportFilenameFormat | Sets the default filename (optional extension) for export files. | Use {0} for the plural translation and {1} for the current DateTime, e.g.: {0} - {1:yyyyMMdd} Default: {0}.xls See: string format | Application |
ExportIDDefault | Sets the initial state for exporting to datavalues instead of displayvalues. | Yes No | |
FloatingDocumentSize | Windows GUI Sets the start size (height x width) for floating documents in pixels, for example, '200 x 400' . | The default size is 900 x 700 pixels | |
FocusableFormButtons | Sets the focus on the buttons. | Yes No | Global |
FocusCombinedFilterOnStartEmptyWithFilter | Sets the focus on the Search field (if available) when opening a screen or detail. No data is retrieved and the option Start empty with filter is activated for the main subject or EnableDetailStartEmptyWithFilter in activated for a detail subject. | Yes No | Global |
FocusSelectedField | When opening the filter form, this determines whether the focus is set to the selectedIndex of the form you came from or to the first editable field. | Yes No | Application |
FormAlignmentOfNumbers | Alignment of all numeric fields in forms, regardless of the domain (the domain setting Alignment only affects grids). | left right | Application |
FormProgressBar | Windows GUI Shows a progress bar in forms. You can apply conditional layouts to the progress bar. | Yes No | Application |
ForceRecompile | Universal GUI Indicium This extended property accepts a comma-separated list of table/view names and forces the SQL Server to always recompile the query plan for the specified tables/views. This could fix performance issues. Since Indicium uses parameterized queries, the SQL Server sometimes reuses existing query plans when it shouldn't, leading to the queries taking much longer than necessary. Note that forcing recompilation of the query plan causes a small performance hit as well, so only use it when there is a performance issue and this measure makes a noticeable difference. | Global | |
GDIObjectLimit | Specifies a limit for the number of GDI objects in use, which, when exceeded, will block new controls from being created. | Any positive integer 0 = unlimited Default: 8000 | |
GridEditUpdateUsingRefreshOption | Windows GUI When editing in a grid with auto-edit enabled, values are updated when a user edits data based on the data on the active row by default. To update using the Refresh behavior instead (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Default/Variants > tab Settings > tab Performance > group Refresh), set this parameter to 'yes'. Note that this property is present only for backward compatibility. | Yes No | Global |
HideAsyncTaskPopup | When this parameter is enabled, the async task will run in the background. The running task pop-up will no longer be shown when the user starts an async task. | Yes No | Global |
HideDocumentsOfInactiveApplication | Windows GUI Hides open documents when you switch to another application in IAM. When you return to your previous application, the open documents will become visible again. Documents hidden in this way still occupy their full memory footprint. | Yes No | Global |
HideDocumentTabHeaders | Indicates whether the document tab headers should be shown. Not needed on a single document application without quickbar. | Yes No | |
HideMenuImageUpload | Universal GUI Hides columns with the domain control Image Upload from the overflow menu in the card list. | Yes No | Application |
HideOfflineTasksReadonlyParameters | Universal GUI Hides all read-only task parameters when offline. This way, you do not need to create a duplicate offline available task without the read-only task parameters. | Yes No | Application |
HostedInAzure | Universal GUI Indicium Windows GUI Web GUI Indicates whether the GUI is hosted in Azure. DevExpress reporting requires this to be enabled when running in Azure. | Yes No | |
IgnoreDiacritics | Ignore diacritics when using Search. - GUI support for SQL server (NVARCHAR), DB2 (VARGRAPHIC), Oracle (NVARCHAR2). - Indicium support for SQL server (NVARCHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, CHAR, NTEXT, NCHAR). | Yes No | Application |
IndiciumIncludeApplicationIdInCache | Windows GUI Indicium Basic Prevents a problem with changed file storage folders in IAM. See Troubleshooting file storage | Yes No | Global |
IndiciumModelContainsFileStorageFolders | Windows GUI Indicium Basic Prevents a problem with changed file storage folders in IAM. See Troubleshooting file storage | Yes No | Global |
IndiciumRequestTimeout | Windows GUI Indicium Basic The interval in milliseconds of the timeout for Windows - Indicium Basic connections. | Default: 100 Infinite: -1 | |
IsolationLevel | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic The isolation level that is used for the database connection. | ReadUncommitted ReadCommitted RepeatableRead Serializable Snapshot | Application |
KeepAddingInGrid | Restores the cursor to the add row after inserting a new record in the grid. This enables continuous adding new rows. | Yes No | |
KeepAliveSession | The interval in ms used by the GUI in an open browser(tab) to poll to the web server to keep the current user session alive. This interval should be less than the Session timeout of IIS. | Default: 300000 (5 minutes) 0 = off | |
KeyBindings | Specifies keyboard navigation. Choose Classic for navigation as in the Windows GUI. The default value, Modern, uses the standard Universal navigation. See Keyboard shortcuts. | Classic Modern | Application |
LargeRibbonEditButton | Lets the Edit button of the ribbon show up as a large button. | Yes No | |
LogoffUrl | URL to go to after logoff. | ||
LogSeverity | Use this parameter in combination with the WriteLogToFile parameter. It determines the log level. Info is the most detailed level. | Error Warning Info | Global |
LookupDialogModal | Windows GUI If 'no', then the lookup dialog will not block the UI when the source of the lookup dialog is not in edit mode. | Yes No | |
LookupDialogSize | Windows GUI Sets the default size for all lookup dialogs. | The default size is 900 x 480 | |
LookupGridHeaderFilterOptionsLimit | Universal GUI Defines the flip-over point: the number of items to switch from a list of checked items to a dropdown list with search functionality. | Default: 25. | Application |
MapQuestApiUri | License Uri to be able to use the Maps component. | Request a key here: MapQuest Developer | Application |
MaxNoOfRecords | Maximum number of records to show. | 250 | Application |
MergedMenus | Merges all application menus into a single menu for users with access to multiple applications. | Yes No | Global |
MonitorProcess | Forces a memory flush after starting the GUI and closing a screen to decrease apparent memory usage in the Windows Task Manager. | ||
MSWordConnVarName | Connection variable name for Word reports. | TSFTOWORD_CONN | Application |
MSWordMacroName | Macro to run for Word reports. | /mTSFReport_0 | Application |
MSWordSQLVarName | SQL variable name for Word reports. | TSFTOWORD_SQL | Application |
MultiselectParameterID | Universal GUI Indicium ID of the parameter to use as the multiselect parameter when executing a task for multiple selected rows. The parameter needs to be of type XML and PopupForEachRow should be disabled. | ||
NoApplicationsDE/ENG/NL | Custom text of the message shown when the IAM user has no rights to a single GUI Application in German/English/Dutch. | ||
NoAsyncReportPreload | Prevents a dummy Crystal Reports report from being preloaded asynchronously so that no SMApiAgent.dll error message is shown. | Yes No | |
NoClaimableApplicationMessageENG | Allows IAM users to set a customized message to let their users know if all of their applications are already in use. If this parameter is not used, the default error message will be "All applications for this user are currently in use." | String-value of the desired custom message for no claimable applications. | Global |
OAuthRedirectURI | Changes the standard OAuth login connector redirect URI (http://localhost/oauth-callback ). | A redirect URI | Application |
OpenLinksInUrlControlOnSameTab | Universal GUI When enabled, links in the URL control will open in the GUI's browser tab. When disabled, it will open in a new browser tab. | Yes No | Application |
OpenLookupsFullScreen | Universal GUI When enabled, all lookup pop-ups will appear bigger, covering about 90% of the screen. | Yes No | Application |
PageSize | Size of pages shown in the Web GUI grids. | 0 25 | Application |
PrefilterLookupBehaviour | Uses data or translated value for prefilter conditions. | transl data | Application |
PreviewerToolbarVisible | Specifies whether the top toolbar in a previewer component is visible. | Yes No | |
PreviewerWebCacheAgeDays | Number of days that documents, loaded with the web previewer, should be cached. 0 or lower will not disable the cache, but will clean all documents when the screen containing the previewer is closed. | ||
QuickbarDisplay | Determines the initial state of the quickbar. The option 'opened' will cause the default behavior (visible quickbar), 'closed' will collapse the quickbar but leave it expandable, and 'hidden' will remove the quickbar entirely. | opened closed hidden | |
RefreshLookupsOn- TabSwitch | Refreshes lookup data when switching between detail tab pages. | ||
RefreshOnDocumentSwitch | Universal GUI Refreshes an already opened document when you re-visit it. This extended property generates a lot of server load in a multi-user environment. Instead, consider using a process flow or auto-refresh with change detection. See: - Auto-refresh - Change detection | Yes No | Application |
RefreshOnTabSwitch | Universal GUI Refreshes data on an already opened detail tab when you re-visit it. This extended property generates a lot of server load in a multi-user environment. Instead, consider using a process flow or auto-refresh combined with change detection. See: - Auto-refresh - Change detection | Yes No | Application |
RepeatOfflineTasks | Repeats an offline available task after execution. The task should be marked as Offline executable. This setting allows the user, for example, to scan an entire store stock very quickly with a barcode scanner. | Yes No | Application |
ReportContentLocale | Crystal Reports Influences the display format of dates and decimals within the report without a custom format. | System - System language settings are used. For an ASP GUI, this will be the language of the web server. User - Language of the user is used. English/ENG: American English format is used for everyone e.g., 02/13/2015. Dutch/NL: Dutch format is used for everyone e.g., 13-02-2015. German/DE: German format is used for everyone e.g., 13.02.2015. | |
RibbonDisplay | Determines the initial state of the ribbon. The option 'opened' will cause the default behavior (visible ribbon) and 'closed' will collapse the ribbon but leave it expandable. | opened closed | |
RowNotFoundAction | Determines the action performed by the GUI when an inserted or updated row cannot be found due to the filters which are active on the subject. | None ShowInfoMessage - Shows information with a button which performs the FilterRow behavior FilterRow - attempts to remove active filters and add a filter on the PK of the row. | Application |
RunAsyncTasksInSequence | Allows asynchronous task or report execution to commence only after the currently running asynchronous task or report has been completed. Note: only available for Windows applications for now. | Yes No | Application |
Session.[session_variable] | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic Add session variables. A guid session variable is available by default to uniquely identify a user session. You can use the value of a session variable in your SQL business logic or prefilters using the SESSION_CONTEXT function, e.g. select session_context(n'guid') . | Application | |
SchedulerPeriodInYears | Universal GUI Specifies how many years the Scheduler should look ahead. Without this extended property: 1 year. | A number, maximum 5. | Application |
ShowButtonbarIndicator | Shows or hides extra icon with tooltip on buttonbars to indicate the type of buttonbar, e.g., task, report or prefilter. | Yes No | Application |
ShowColumnHeaderMenu | Makes column headers show their own context menu instead of the grid's context menu. Right-clicking the header or clicking the three dots (...) within it opens this specific context menu. | Yes No | Global |
ShowContextColumns | Shows foreign key fields to parent in child forms. | Yes No | Application |
ShowCopyButton | Shows or hides the Copy button. | Yes No | Application |
ShowMessageNoCurrent- RowInParent | Shows the no_current row message for parent rows: "The selected row is no longer present". | Yes No | Application |
ShowNavigationButtons | Shows or hides the Navigation buttons underneath the form. | Yes No | Application |
ShowPrefiltersInTitle | Shows active prefilters in the document title. | Yes No | Application |
ShowTabIcons | Universal GUI Shows the tab icons for detail tabs (inherited from the table) and tab containers (explicitly assigned in the screen type). Icons on a tab are hidden by default. See also Screen component settings. | Yes No | Application |
ShowTitleActiveChart | Shows the cube title in the active graph. | Yes No | Application |
ShowVerticalGridlines | Draws vertical grid lines when grid line color is set. | Yes No | Application |
ShutdownProcedure | A shutdown procedure for each application when the GUI is closed. | The name of the stored procedure | Application |
SmallDetailTiles | Allows the user to make detail tiles smaller than the default medium-sized tiles in Windows and Web. | Yes No | Global |
SQLStringCase | Case of the cursor-, col-, ref- and task parameters in stored procedures. | upper lower | Application |
SsrsPreferDefault- DisplayMode | When this parameter is enabled, the Windows GUI is instructed not to open SSRS reports in the print layout mode when previewing. | Yes No | Application |
SsrsReportServer | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic Specifies the location of the SSRS Server to use for remote SSRS reports inside an application. | Application | |
StartupProcedure | A startup procedure for each application that is started. | The name of the stored procedure. | Application |
SuppressBarcodeKeyboard | Suppresses the on-screen keyboard for the barcode control on mobile devices. See also Settings for barcode scanners. | Yes No | Application |
Theme | Non-default theme to load. Useful when developing new themes. | theme id | Application |
TilesMenuBackgroundScaling | Scaling for the tiles menu background image. By default, the image stretches and does not scale. The 'Centered' option keeps the image in the center. The 'Tiled' option keeps the image in the upper-left corner. 'Tiled' repeats the background, so you might see multiple images when the screen gets very large. | Centered Tiled | Application |
Translate | Shows translation for all transl_objects. | Yes No | |
UniformTabHeaderAreaColor | Overrides default behavior of Windows GUI to auto-derive the tab header background area color by always using the modeled document background color instead. | Yes No | |
UnsafePreviewAllowForms | Universal GUI Allows HTML forms embedded within a webpage to submit data when using the Preview screen component. Warning: Only enable this feature if you trust the contents of all web pages you intend to embed. | Yes No | |
UsageTimeout | Duration in minutes the user may work in the current session. | Default: 0 | |
UseAllowNavigation- AsRights | Handles "Allow Navigation" of a subject as rights to deny any form of navigation to another row. Default the grid keeps navigating. | Yes No | Application |
UseAlternateRowColor | Toggles alternative row color in the grids of an application. | Yes No | Application |
UseCubeHorizontalScrollbar | Sets the horizontal scrollbar of the cube to scroll over the whole width instead of the cells. | Yes No | Application |
UseCurrentRowBreadcrumb | Shows the current row of the focused table in the breadcrumb bar. | Yes No | Application |
UseExportLayouts | Uses layout concept when exporting, so hidden fields are not exported. | Yes No | Application |
UseISOweekgroupintervals | Uses the ISO standard week numbering system. | Yes No | Application |
UseManualIconSizeTabHeader | Use the manual height set for document and tab headers as icon size and not as padding for the tabs. | Yes No | Application |
UseOnlyLockedPrefilterForRefresh | Apply only locked prefilters after an automatic refresh. When changed to No, all prefilters are applied after an automatic refresh. | Yes No | Application |
UserObjectLimit | Specifies a limit for the number of user objects in use, which when exceeded will block new controls from being created. | Any positive integer, or zero if the number of user objects should be ignored. Default: 8000 | Global exclusive |
UseUsrLibl | Universal GUI Indicium Indicium Basic Sets connection string LibraryList using [database], USRLIBL for IBM i DB2 connections. | Yes No | Application |
WebGuiURL | Specifies the Web GUI base URL so a deep link URL can also be created in the Windows GUI. In the Web GUI this feature is available by default. (see: Sharing a record). | Format: https:///. | |
WriteLogToFile | To enable the DevExpress logging. The log file can be found in folder {Application}/Logs/. This parameter must be combined with a setting for the LogSeverity parameter. | Yes No | Global |