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Objectmodel Extender Template


Note: try avoid using this template since Thinkwise does not provide support for it. By using C# this extender is limited to only one Windows or Web GUI, in some cases even one version. It is not available for Universal GUI.

Step 1 - Download template

A Visual Studio project template for creating your own Objectmodel Extender is available here.

Once you have downloaded the template zip you can add this to the following Visual Studio folder:
C:\Users\<User name>\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\My Exported Templates

Step 2 - Create a new project

In Visual Studio click File > New Project and select the ObjectmodelExtenderTemplate:

Step2 New project with the right template

  • The Name can be filled with the name of your company + ObjectmodelExtender add the end, e.g. WorkshopObjectmodelExtender
  • The Location of your project is free of choice.
  • The Solution name can be the same as the Project Name.

The Name you choose will also be the name of the DLL which is build at step 8.

Step 3 - Rename the csharp file

Right click on ObjectmodelExtender.cs, choose rename and give it the same name as your project, e.g.:

Step 4 - Reference GUI DLL's

To be able to build the project we need to add these two GUI DLL's to your project folder:

Step4 GUI DLL's needed

  • The Thinkwise.Runtime DLL can be found in the root of the GUI folder
  • The Thinkwise.Shared DLL can be found in <GUI>/Components/Thinkwise

After the DLLs are added to your project folder you can reference them in Visual Studio by right clicking References and selecting Add Reference...:

Step4b Add Reference

Browse to your project folder and select the 2 DLLs. Click Ok and from now on no more red lined should be visible in Visual Studio:

Step4c No more errors

Step 5 - Change namespace

Change the namespace from ObjectmodelExtenderTemplate to Workshop, also the first part of typeof:

Step5 Namespace changed

Step 6 - Change classname

Change the class name from ObjectmodelExtenderTemplate to WorkshopObjectmodelExtender, also the second part of typeof. Also change the name of the DLL:

Step6 Classname and DLL name changed

Step 7 - Add objectmodel extender settings

Within the ExtendModel method the required settings can now be added. The available settings may differ due to the version of the referenced GUI DLL's.

For more information about the settings contact the Research and Development department.

Step 8 - Build and use

When all settings are done you can build the project by clicking Build > Build Solution.

A DLL is now available in \<Project folder>\bin\Debug or \<Project folder>\bin\Release

In our example we have WorkshopObjectmodelExtender.dll available.

To use this extender in your Software Factory model, you have to move it to a specific folder in the GUI called Projects. For both the Windows as Web GUI this folder is available in the root folder, if not create it. In this Projects folder create a folder with the name of your Software Factory model. In case you want to use the objectmodel extender for a branch in the SF, choose the branch name.

Now move the created DLL to this folder.

Restart the GUI and check if the objectmodel extender is working as expected. For the Web GUI you have to restart IIS.

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