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Mobile GUI setup (EoL)

Mobile GUI end-of-life

In accordance with our Lifecycle Policy, the Mobile GUI has been declared end-of-life. It will not be supported by Thinkwise Platform version 2023.2 and up. See also the blog Mobile GUI is now End of Life in the Community.

Once the Indicium application tier has been configured, you can start a Mobile GUI against it (provided that the targeted IAM of SF database contains applications that are available for Mobile).

Install the Thinkwise Indicium mobile app for iOS or Android on your phone or tablet, or download the desktop viewer from TCP to run the mobile user interface on your Windows PC or desktop.

IAM configuration

If you want to start the product(s) present in IAM, set the meta server URL to the root of the IAM application. For most environments this will be https://server/indicium/iam/iam/.

Mobile GUI IAM meta source

SF configuration

Starting a product present in the Software Factory development environment works the same but you need to specify the root URL of the SF application as the meta server URL. For most environments this will be https://server/indicium/iam/sf/.

Furthermore, you'll need to provide the application ID or alias to start the correct runtime configuration. The application ID and alias can be found in the Software Factory at the desired runtime configuration. The runtime configuration must be activated for the user in the Software Factory to be able to start the product.

Mobile GUI SF meta source

Version 2018.2 or earlier

The API to start products against the Software Factory has been simplified with 2018.3. If Indicium is running against a 2018.2 IAM or earlier, the configuration for Mobile is a bit different.

If you want to start the product(s) present in IAM, set the meta server URL to the root of the IAM application using the 2018.2 URL segment structure. For most environments this will be https://server/indicium/api/iam/.

Mobile GUI IAM meta source

To start a product present in the SF, you need to specify the root URL of the SF application as the meta server URL using the 2018.2 URL segment structure. For most environments this will be https://server/indicium/api/sf/.

Additionally, you will need to specify the project, project version and, if applicable, the runtime configuration.

Mobile GUI SF meta source


These settings are only intended to be used with Indiciums running on a 2018.2 IAM. Usage of URLs with the /api/ segment on Indiciums running on a 2018.3 IAM or higher is strongly discouraged as support will be discontinued.

Mobile GUI troubleshooting

Testing and debugging the Thinkwise Mobile GUI is done with the desktop viewer (created with Electron), which can be downloaded from TCP. If started with the command line parameter -- debug (or using debug.bat), the Chromium Developer Tools are shown.

The Network tab shows all the network requests to the Indicium application tier. If a request goes wrong or, for example, takes too long, then it is possible to see that here as the request will turn red. By clicking on the request, it can be seen which component of the web service is invoked and with which parameters this is done.

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