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Version: 2022



menu User interface > Subjects > Links > Look-ups

You can indicate for each reference whether it may or may not be used as a look-up. This can be different for each column. In addition, in the case of a specific look-up, the table settings, such as the look-up type, the column view, etc. can be overwritten.

Recursive look-up presentation resolving is done automatically by the GUI. When the last reference field in the look-up table itself has a look-up and the previous reference field is left blank, the presentation field of this field is used (recursive).


Table Look-ups in Links Overview of Look-ups in Links


menu User interface > Subjects > Links > Details

Detail tabs and detail tiles for references can be turned on and off:

  1. Select the Show detail checkbox to specify whether a subject is included as a detail tab or detail tile.
  2. Optionally, use the up-arrow and down-arrow tasks on the left-hand side to put the detail tabs in sequence.

Furthermore, you can specify a Detail group:

  • For detail tabs, you can choose from the Detail group options that are specified at detail tab page level.
  • For detail tiles, you can choose from the Detail group options that are specified at detail tiles level.

Details in a table Overview of Details in a table


menu User interface > Subjects > Links > Tasks

This is where the tasks are linked to a table. How to create tasks is described here.

Links for a task Overview of the links for a task


menu User interface > Subjects > Links > Reports

This is where the reports are linked to a table. How to create reports is described here.

Report links for a table Overview of report links for a table

Drag drop​

menu User interface > Subjects > Links > Drag-drop

Drag-drop functionality can be modeled for products. This way, you can allow users to drag records from a grid or tree. The target can be another subject or the same subject.

Drag-drop links can be modeled in the Software Factory at subject configuration. A drag-drop link requires a from-table, a to-table and a task on the to-table.

The task will use the mapped parameters from the to-table, based on the tab-task mapping. The developer can map columns from the from-table, the dragged rows, to parameters of this task. When multiple rows are dragged, the task will be executed multiple times. Settings regarding pop-up per row at the task will be applied.

Task parameters that are mapped by both the to-table (using the tab-task mapping) and the from-table will be checked for equality. If the values are not equal, drag-drop will be prevented by the GUI.

By default, the drag-drop link is not active. The developer must decide on which combination of from-variants and to-variants the drag-drop should be available. This is specified at drag-drop interaction.

The user interface normally selects multiple rows in a grid or tree when dragging over the component. To change this behavior, a context-menu option is available to enable drag-drop. Drag-drop can be enabled by default in the model at the from-table or from-variant.

Drag & Drop Drag & Drop

The GUI will allow rows to be dropped on any component of the target subject. However, when the user hovers over a multirow-component of the target subject during drag-drop, the GUI will apply one of the following behaviors:

  • When the drag-drop task has variable input, depending on the selected row of the target subject, the GUI will navigate to the hovered row.

  • When drag-drop task only has one unique set of input, and the selected row will not change the input of the drag-drop task, the GUI will treat the grid or tree like any other component and will not navigate to the hovered row.


A task is bound on Sales invoice line and has the sales_invoice_id mapped as input. This task is used as a drag-drop target task. The subject Sales invoice line is shown as a detail of Sales invoice. Since the active row in this detail will not affect the input of the task, hovering over different rows during drag-drop will not cause navigation.

Context procedures are executed during the hovered navigation, after a short delay. During this time, the cursor might display a question mark.

menu User interface > Subjects > Links > List bar items/Treeview items/Tiles

This is a display of the links between tables and menu items. This displays which menu items are linked to a table. It is possible to modify this.

Display of the menu item links for each table Display of the menu item links for each table

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