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Version: 2022

Reporting service


The Thinkwise Reporting Service is a Windows service (also available as a console application) that facilitates automatic printing and/or exporting of reports to a file location. It currently supports the following report types:



RequiredMore information
.NET Framework 4.8In version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service the .NET Framework 4.8 is required. Install it through Windows or download the runtime here. Some versions of Windows have .NET Framework 4.8 pre-installed, this can be checked here.
OptionalMore information
Crystal Reports Runtime Service Pack (64-bit)When generating reports with Crystal Reports, the server needs a 64-bit version of the Crystal Reports Runtime Engine. Version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service can detect and use any service pack, as long as it is a 64-bit version.

V4 and V3

The reporting service is built for .NET Framework 4.5 and available as a Windows service (through an installer) or as a standalone console application. Both of which can be downloaded from TCP.

To support Crystal Reports, the service was built against the 64-bit version of the Crystal Reports runtime. Because of this, the service will only work on operating systems that support 64-bit applications.


For Crystal Reports, please apply the same installation rules as one would when using the Thinkwise GUIs and be sure to install the 64-bit version of the runtime.

The 32-bit runtime version does not work with the Thinkwise Reporting Service.


The Thinkwise Reporting Service is designed to query a database for reports that need to be generated and/or printed. The database that is queried can be configured by modifying the connection string inside the service's config file.


Most other things described in this section can also optionally be modified through the service's config file. See the Configuration section for more details.

To communicate with a configured database, the service calls a set of stored procedures that it expects are present.

The default names of these stored procedures are:

There is currently no base project available to add these procedures to a Software Factory application. The mentioned stored procedures have to be added manually by using subroutines in the targeted application's project.

The service periodically calls the rpt_get_reports procedure to retrieve the reports that need to be processed. For each of the reports that were retrieved it then calls the rpt_get_parmtrs procedure to retrieve any parameter values that need to be used while generating the report. Lastly, when a report has either been successfully processed or an error occurred during processing, it calls the rpt_set_report procedure to notify the database of the result.

To enable parallel processing of reports, the service starts a number of background workers.

These background workers also perform the calls to rpt_get_parmtrs and rpt_set_report for the service.

If an error occurs during a call to rpt_set_report, the background worker is terminated. This is done because an error inside rpt_set_report could mean that the failing or completed report has not been removed from the result set that is returned by rpt_get_reports, in which case the service might potentially be generating the same report indefinitely.

Instead of allowing this behaviour, a design choice was made to terminate the service itself if all background workers are stopped because there is a good chance that something is wrong with the implementation of the rpt_set_report procedure.


Pointing two Thinkwise Reporting Service instances at the same database may result in unexpected behaviour. Please do not configure more than one service to use the same connection string.

Stored procedure specifications

This section covers the specification to which implementations of the rpt_get_reports, rpt_get_parmtrs and rpt_set_report stored procedures must abide to correctly work with the Thinkwise Reporting Service.


rpt_get_reports and rpt_get_parmtrs are required to return a table via a select statement.

When adding these procedures as subroutines one might notice that the Return value option will be automatically set to None. This option has no affect on the reporting service implementation, just add the select statement through a control template and the service will be able to use the returned data set.


This stored procedure is called by the service to retrieve a set of reports it should process. The procedure has no input parameters and must return a table using a select statement.

The returned table must adhere to the following structure:


To maintain backwards compatibility with implementations for earlier versions of the service, some of these columns are considered optional. Failing to return values for these optional columns will trigger the service to log a warning stating which value it substituted the missing value with.

Column nameDataTypeDescriptionIntroduced in versionBackwards compatibility value
IDnvarcharShould contain a unique id for a report.

Note: The column names are case sensitive so use ID and not id.
report_file_specnvarcharThe path where the report file is located on disk. For SSRS server reports this should specify the relative url to the report on the report server.
export_file_pathnvarcharThe path to the directory in which the generated report should be exported to after processing.
export_file_namenvarcharThe name that the exported report file should use excluding the extension.
export_file_extensionnvarcharThe file extension to use when exporting the processed report file.

This value also controls the export type of the report.
Valid values for this column depend on the type of report that is being processed.

Crystal Reports: pdf, doc, xls, csv, rtf, xml, txt, tab, word_rtf

SSRS (Local): pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, tiff

SSRS (Server): pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, tiff, csv, xml

DevExpress: pdf, rtf, xls, xlsx, docx, html, image (png)
export_reporttinyintWhether or not to export the report to disk after processing.

0 = don't export, 1 = export.
print_reporttinyintWhether or not to print the report after processing.

0 = don't print, 1 = print.
printer_namenvarcharThe full network path of the printer that should print the report.

E.g. a printer named CANON-HP-EPSON installed to server MYSERVER would likely have a network path of \\MYSERVER\CANON-HP-EPSON.

If this column is left empty the default printer for the user running the service is used.
printer_traynvarcharThe name of the paper source/tray on the selected printer to use while printing.3.2.0No value.

Not providing a value causes the service to use the default paper source/tray of the printer.
no_of_copiesintThe number of copies to print.1.2.01
report_typenvarcharThe type of report that the current record contains.

Possible values are:

  • CR (for Crystal Reports)
  • SSSR_Local (for local SSRS reports)
  • SSRS (for server SSRS reports)
  • TR (for DevExpress reports, was briefly called Thinkwise reports at introduction)
  • DevExpress (same as TR, only available from version 5)

Since the reporting service was initially built to generate Crystal Reports reports that is the one which is used as the default.


This stored procedure is called for each row/record retrieved by rpt_get_reports to get the parameter values to use when processing the report.

The procedure is expected to have the following input parameter:

Parameter nameDataTypeDescription
idnvarcharThe id of the report that parameter values are being requested for.

Using this input parameter the procedure should return a result set with the following table structure:

Column nameDataTypeDescription
parmtr_idnvarcharThe id of the parameter in the report.

IMPORTANT: The value returned through this column must match the parameter name from the report exactly.
parmtr_valuenvarcharThe value to use for the parameter, as a string.


This stored procedure is called by the service after processing a report row to tell the application database whether or not it succeeded.

The procedure is expected to have the following input parameters:

Parameter nameDataTypeDescription
idnvarcharThe id of the processed report row that has a status update.
messagenvarchar(max)Contains additional information about what caused the status to be updated. E.g. an error message if the processing failed.
statustinyintA status code that represents the status of the processed report.

Possible values are:
  • 1 - (deprecated) The service is currently processing the report.
  • 2 - Processing of the report has succeeded.
  • 3 - Processing of the report has failed.

Unlike rpt_get_reports and rpt_get_parmtrs this procedure should not have any output.

It is however important to design your report queue (the returned result of rpt_get_reports) to not return reports that have been processed to avoid continually processing the same reports.


Updating the status of a reports is seen as one of the most critical parts of the entire service process. Should enough errors occur inside the implementation of this procedure, the service will eventually stop entirely.

If this happens the service must be started back up manually after the problem occuring inside the procedure has been fixed.


Aspects of the Thinkwise Reporting service can be edited by modifying a configuration file.


In version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service, the configuration file is located in the service's installation directory and is called appsettings.json by default.

The config file that the service uses can be overwritten using the -c/--config-file command line option:

# Use inside the installation directory instead of appsettings.json.
ReportingService.exe --config-file

# Use reporting-service-settings.json outide of the installation directory.
ReportingService.exe --config-file "D:\Thinkwise Software\Config\reporting-service-settings.json"

The table below shows which options are available and what they do.

Configuration optionDefault valueDescription
Interval10000The interval between calls to rpt_get_reports from the service in milliseconds.
ConcurrencyLevel5The amount of background workers used to process reports. The poller is also included in this value so the default value spawns a poller and 4 background workers.
GetReportQueuerpt_get_reportsThe name of the procedure on the database that returns which reports should be processed.
UpdateReportQueueStatusrpt_set_reportThe name of the procedure on the database that is used to update the status of a processed report.
GetReportParametersrpt_get_parmtrsThe name of the procedure on the database that is used to get any parameter values to use while processing a report.
SSRSReportServerThe URL to an SSRS server when using server SSRS reports.
RelativePathRootThe location of the executable.Which absolute path to use as the root for relative report file paths returned by rpt_get_reports.
PrinterNameCaseSensitivetrueControls whether the printer name for a report is looked up with case sensitivity.
PrinterTrayCaseSensitivetrueControls whether the printer tray name for a report is looked up with case sensitivity.


Connection strings to databases that the Thinkwise Reporting Service must poll on for reports to generate can be added to the config file under the Connections key. Each key added under this section adds a name, connection string and ADO.NET provider for the poller to use.

Some example configurations:

"ReportingService": {
"Connections": {
// Name of the connection is ConnectionWithWindowsAuth.
"ConnectionWithWindowsAuth": {
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=exampleserver\\instance;Initial Catalog=MY_APP_DB;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=True",
"ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient"
"ReportingService": {
"Connections": {
"ConnectionWithUserPass": {
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=exampleserver\\instance;Initial Catalog=MY_APP_DB;User Id=example;Password=passwordofuser;Persist Security Info=True",
"ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient"

Connections to multiple databases can be added this way, as long as the names of the connections are unique (names are case insensitive). However, keep in mind that multiple reporting services polling the same database is not supported.

V4 and V3

For version 4 and 3 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service, the configuration file is located in the service's installation directory and is called:

  • ReportingService.exe.config for the Windows service version.
  • ReportingConsole.exe.config for the standalone console application version.

The table below shows which options are available and what they do.

Configuration optionDefault valueDescription
Interval10000The interval between calls to rpt_get_reports from the service in milliseconds.
ConcurrencyLevel5The amount of background workers used to process reports. The poller is also included in this value so the default value spawns a poller and 4 background workers.
GetReportQueuerpt_get_reportsThe name of the procedure on the database that returns which reports should be processed.
UpdateReportQueueStatusrpt_set_reportThe name of the procedure on the database that is used to update the status of a processed report.
GetReportParametersrpt_get_parmtrsThe name of the procedure on the database that is used to get any parameter values to use while processing a report.
SSRSReportServerThe URL to a SSRS server when using server SSRS reports.
RelativePathRootThe location of the executable.Which absolute path to use as the root for relative report file paths returned by rpt_get_reports.


This section of the config contains the connection details that the service should use when connecting with the database that contains the required procedures.

By default this section contains a template for use with a SQL Server database. Below are some example configurations.

<add name="Connection with Windows authentication"
Data Source=exampleserver\instance;
Initial Catalog=MY_APP_DB;
Integrated Security=True;
Persist Security Info=True"
<add name="Connection with user/password authentication"
Data Source=exampleserver\instance;
Initial Catalog=MY_APP_DB;
User Id=example;
Persist Security Info=True"

Connections to multiple databases can be added this way as long as the name of the connections are unique. However, keep in mind that multiple reporting services polling the same database is not supported.



In version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service the logging configuration can be modified in the main configuration file. There are two logging sinks:

  • Console logging
  • Logging to a file.

Their configuration can be found under the Logging key.

"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
// Global minimum log levels per namespace (if you do not know what that means just stick to changing the "ReportingService" key).
// Values from most to least messages logged: Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical.
// WARNING: Setting these values to Trace/Debug might cause the service to log sensitive information and should therefore probably not be used in Production.
"Default": "Critical",
"ReportingService": "Information"
"Console": {
// Minimum log level for messages that will be logged to the console.
"MinimumLogLevel": "Information",
"MessageFormat": "[{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffff}|{Level}|{ConnectionName}|{ReportId}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"
"FileLog": {
"Enabled": true,
"PathFormat": "thinkwise-.txt",
// Minimum log level for messages that will be logged to the file log.
"MinimumLogLevel": "Warning",
// Interval before a new log file is created.
// Values: Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, Infinite.
// Set to Infinite to write everything to the same log file.
"RollingInterval": "Day",
"MessageFormat": "[{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz}|{Level}|{ConnectionName}|{ReportId}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"

Console logging is not available when the Thinkwise Reporting Service is run as a Windows service.

By default, the service will log warning/error messages to a log file called thinkwise-.txt inside the installation directory with a rolling interval of a day. E.g., thinkwise-20210801.txt for August 1st of 2021.

V4 and V3

The Thinkwise Reporting Service uses the NLog framework for logging. NLog can be configured by modifying the NLog.config file in the service's installation directory.

By default, the service is configured to log warnings, errors, and fatal errors to a file named thinkwise.log. This should be enough to detect when something goes wrong in the service.

The standalone console application also has an extra logger configurated to output log statements at the Infomation level to the console window.

To enable logging at lower levels than warnings, open the NLog.config file and change the minlevel attribute of the following rule to the desired log level:

<logger name="*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="logfile" />

NLog's log level values, going from most to least detailed, are as follows: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal.

For more advanced logging configuration, consult the NLog documentation.

Running as a Windows service


In version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service, use sc.exe in combination with the -s/--runas-windows-service switch to create a Windows service for the ReportingService.exe binary.

For example, with the Thinkwise Reporting Service extracted to C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService:

# Create a service named ReportingService using the default appsettings config file and LocalSystem as the user.
sc.exe create ReportingService binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service"

# Create a service named ReportingService using a different config file.
sc.exe create ReportingService binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service --config-file othersettings.json"

# Create a service named ReportingService using a different config file outside the installation directory.
sc.exe create ReportingService binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service --config-file \"D:\Thinkwise\Configs\report-server-settings.json\""

# Create a service named ReportingService running as a specific Windows user.
sc.exe create ReportingService binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service" obj="somedomain\someuser" password="somepassword"

# Create a service named ReportingService set to automatically start when Windows is started.
sc.exe create ReportingService binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service" start=auto

# Created services are not started automatically after creation so start it manually.
sc.exe start ReportingService

# Stop a running service
sc.exe stop ReportingService

# Remove a (stopped) service
sc.exe delete ReportingService

For more details about what other options sc.exe supports, see the following links or sc.exe /?:

Running multiple services from the same installation is supported as long as a different configuration file is specified for each service with connections to different databases.

For example:

# Create a service named ReportingService-Prod using the default appsettings config file.
sc.exe create ReportingService-Prod binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service"

# Create a service named ReportingService-Dev using config file appsettings-dev.json in the installation directory.
sc.exe create ReportingService-Dev binPath="C:\Thinkwise\ReportingService\ReportingService.exe --runas-windows-service --config-file"

V4 and V3

To run the Thinkwise Reporting Service as a Windows service, run the installer provided in the downloaded package from TCP. During installation, the installer will prompt for a user name and password to use as the account for the Windows service.

Upgrading from V4 or V3 to V5

When upgrading from version 4 or 3 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service to version 5, make note of the following differences:

  • The required .NET Framework version that needs to be installed has been changed from 4.5 to 4.8. See the Prerequisites section for more information.
  • Both the application configuration and logging settings are now located in a single configuration file called appsettings.json. See sections Configuration and Logging/Debugging for more information.
  • There is no more installer to register the Thinkwise Reporting Service as a Windows service. See section Running as a Windows service on how to use sc.exe to register the ReportingService.exe binary as a Windows service.

The basic steps to upgrade a current installation are:

  1. Install .NET Framework 4.8 if needed.
  2. Download version 5 from TCP.
  3. Backup the ReportingService.exe.config or ReportingConsole.exe.config configuration file of the current installation.
  4. If installed as a Windows service:
    1. Stop the service if it is currently running.
  5. Deinstall the Thinkwise Reporting Service or remove the files from the console application version.
  6. Extract version 5 of the Thinkwise Reporting Service to the desired installation directory.
  7. Open ReportingService.exe.config/ReportingConsole.exe.config from the backup and copy each setting over to appsettings.json.
    1. Take note that JSON has different escape rules than XML, e.g., \ is the escape character and therefore must be escaped inside connection strings etc. Data Source=exampleserver\\instance;
  8. Run ReportingService.exe to check if the connection string and other settings were copied properly.
  9. Use sc.exe to install the Thinkwise Reporting Service as a Windows service if needed.


The intent of this section is to provide a basic example of how to make a Software Factory application compatible with the reporting service. The provided example should be considered a reference to help with implementing report service compatibility in your own application instead of being the standard implementation.

The example uses an empty Software Factory project called REPORTING_SERVICE_APP which sole purpose is to only contain the basis needed to provide compatibility with the reporting service.

Two tables will be added to the project:

  • rpt_queue, which holds the queue information that rpt_get_reports requires for each report and a way for rpt_set_report to update the status.
  • rpt_parmtrs, which holds the information about parameters values to use for a report to be retrieved by rpt_get_parmtrs.


Following that the tables need to contain all the information needed by the service's subroutines, domains must be added to adhere to those specifications.

The rpt_queue table is a combination of rpt_get_reports and rpt_set_report.

To keep things simple, a domain is added for each of the return columns expected by the service from rpt_get_reports.

rpt_get_reports domains Domains needed for rpt_get_reports.

To keep track of the status for a record so it can be updated by rpt_set_report, two more domains are needed. One to hold the current status value and another to show the message returned by the service.

rpt_set_report domains Domains needed for rpt_set_report.

Domain elements are added to the rpt_status domain to represent the possible status values that the service uses.

rpt_status domain elements Domain elements which represent the service's status values.

Note that no element for the value 1 has been defined. This is because it represents a deprecated queued/processing status.

The value to represent an ignored state is also not part the service's status values. It is only used here so that when records are manually added in the application they will not immediately be queued by the service.

Domains for the columns used in rpt_get_parmtrs could also be added but, since the input parameter is the id of a report, rpt_id can be used instead. Because the other two columns (parmtr_id and parmtr_value) are supposed to be the same data type as rpt_id, this example will use that domain for those as well.

Data model

After adding the domains, the tables and columns of the data model can be created.

The rpt_queue table is added with the following columns.

rpt_queue columns rpt_queue columns.

Note that most of the column names match with the ones expected in the result set of rpt_get_reports. This is done to make implementing said subroutine easier later in the example.

The columns report_status and report_message are used to store the data sent through rpt_set_report and to queue the record for processing.

The rpt_parmtrs table is added with the columns below and a foreign key to rpt_queue's report_id column.

rpt_parmtrs columns rpt_parmtrs columns.

Once again, both the names of both the parmtr_id and parmtr_value columns match with what is expected in the result set of rpt_get_parmtrs to make the eventual implementation easier.

The full data model now looks like the one below.

full report queue data model Full report queue data model.


After the data model of the report queue has been defined, the subroutines can be added and implemented.

First, the subroutine definitions need to be added to the project.

rpt_get_reports subroutine Subroutine definition for rpt_get_reports.

rpt_get_parmtrs subroutine Subroutine definition for rpt_get_parmtrs.

rpt_set_report subroutine Subroutine definition for rpt_set_report.


Note that the return value of the subroutine type 'Procedure' is always set to None even though rpt_get_reports and rpt_get_parmtrs are supposed to return a table. This setting has no effect on the way the report service processes these procedures so leaving it on None is OK.

After adding the subroutine definitions a control procedure is added for each of them.

subroutine control procedures Subroutine control procedures.

Next, a template is added as the implementation for each subroutine.

Starting with the template for rpt_get_reports which needs return a table.

Since the rpt_queue table in this example's data model mostly matches with what is expected to be returned through rpt_get_reports, the template can consist of a simple select statement that returns all records that have a report_status of 0.

select report_id as ID,
from rpt_queue
where report_status = 0;

This example uses a dedicated column to store the value for report_type. In practice this should almost never be needed since most applications only use one type of reporting technology. In those cases it might be more practical to hard code the value of the report_type column in the template.

The rpt_parmtrs table almost matches rpt_get_parmtrs completely. Therefore the implementation can simply return all records where the report_id matches the @id input parameter.

select parmtr_id, parmtr_value
from rpt_parmtrs
where report_id = @id;

Lastly, the implementation of rpt_set_report is expected to update the processed report in queue so it does not get returned by rpt_get_reports anymore.

Since the rpt_queue table has a report_status value for each record it can be used to control whether or not it should be considered queued or not. So once again, the implementation of the template consists of a simple update statement that modifies the report record in rpt_queue.

update rpt_queue
set report_status = @status,
report_message = @message
where report_id = @id;

After assigning the templates to their corresponding subroutines and generating the code, the end result looks like the examples below.


/* Drop stored procedure rpt_get_reports first. */

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects
where name = 'rpt_get_reports' and type = 'P')
drop procedure rpt_get_reports

create procedure rpt_get_reports

--control_proc_id: proc_rpt_get_reports
--template_id: proc_rpt_get_reports
--prog_object_item_id: proc_rpt_get_reports

select report_id as ID,
from rpt_queue
where report_status = 0;


grant execute on rpt_get_reports to public


/* Drop stored procedure rpt_get_parmtrs first. */

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects
where name = 'rpt_get_parmtrs' and type = 'P')
drop procedure rpt_get_parmtrs

create procedure rpt_get_parmtrs
@id rpt_id

--control_proc_id: proc_rpt_get_parmtrs
--template_id: proc_rpt_get_parmtrs
--prog_object_item_id: proc_rpt_get_parmtrs

select parmtr_id, parmtr_value
from rpt_parmtrs
where report_id = @id;


grant execute on rpt_get_parmtrs to public


/* Drop stored procedure rpt_set_report first. */

if exists (select 1 from sysobjects
where name = 'rpt_set_report' and type = 'P')
drop procedure rpt_set_report

create procedure rpt_set_report
@id rpt_id ,
@message rpt_status_message ,
@status rpt_status

--control_proc_id: proc_rpt_set_report
--template_id: proc_rpt_set_report
--prog_object_item_id: proc_rpt_set_report

update rpt_queue
set report_status = @status,
report_message = @message
where report_id = @id;


grant execute on rpt_set_report to public


Now that all subroutines have been implemented, it is time to test if the application works with the reporting service.

To aid in this, the example will use a report built using Crystal Reports that selects a record from the report queue itself. To select the right record in the queue table, the report contains a parameter called report_id.

The example has added the rpt_queue table to a menu so that records can be added to the queue by using, for example, the Windows GUI.

example report record Adding a record to the queue to help with testing.


This record is set up to export the Crystal Reports rpt file at D:\\Software_Fabriek\\Reports\example.rpt to a PDF file that is saved to D:\\ReportingTest\\example_report.pdf. Printing the report is being skipped.

Because the report needs a parameter value for report_id, that is also added through the detail tab.

example report record parameter Adding the report_id parameter.

After adding the test record, you could optionally simulate the calls that the reporting service executes before installing/configuring it.

simulated procedure calls Simulating the procedure calls made by the service.

Next it is time to configure the service to connect to the deployed application database. This example will use the standalone console application version of the service to make it easier to show the logging output.

Since the example implementation uses the default values for the subroutine names, the only thing that needs to be configured is the connection string to the application database.

Which for version 5 would be done like this:

"ReportingService": {
"Interval": 10000,
"ConcurrencyLevel": 5,
"GetReportQueue": "rpt_get_reports",
"UpdateReportQueueStatus": "rpt_set_report",
"GetReportParameters": "rpt_get_parmtrs",
"SSRSReportServer": "",
"RelativePathRoot": "",
"PrinterNameCaseSensitive": true,
"PrinterTrayCaseSensitive": true,
"Connections": {
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=.\\sql2016;Initial Catalog=REPORTING_SERVICE_APP;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=True",
"ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient"

And for versions 4 and 3 like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="Interval" value="10000"/>
<add key="ConcurrencyLevel" value="5"/>
<add key="GetReportQueue" value="rpt_get_reports"/>
<add key="UpdateReportQueueStatus" value="rpt_set_report"/>
<add key="GetReportParameters" value="rpt_get_parmtrs"/>
Data Source=.\sql2016;
Integrated Security=True;
Persist Security Info=True"
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5"/>

The above configuration will try to connect to a SQL Server database called REPORTING_SERVICE_APP on a local server instance called sql2016 using Windows authentication.

All that is left is to start up the service and see if it works.

reporting service console output Output from the Reporting service console.

As shown in the output, the example_report record gets retrieved after it has been queued in the database. The parameters for the example_report record are then retrieved. Next it gets generated/exported in PDF format and saved to disk. Once exporting is done the service signals that printing of the report is being skipped. Lastly the service updates the status of the example_report record with status code 2 to signal that it was succesfully processed.

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